Thursday, 9th of February 2023 [44]
Just a quick hello today. I’m still not back to my usual self after my holiday in Poland. I still need plenty of rest.
What’s worse - I think #Consuela is gone for good. She came like a breeze, in love with life for maybe 3 months and now she’s gone again. I miss her already. Hope one day she’ll be back.
On the bright side - she was here through the darkest months of the year, with the most numerous amount of shortest days. (If you can even say it like this 😃). That has to account for something!
While in Poland, I was writing, publishing and interacting daily. I had plenty of time to do it and even posted on both accounts some days.
Back home, of course I struggle to stick to it. At first, I thought that maybe if I just stick to it for a few more days, so I can get a weekly author badge. I managed that.
Next, I thought that maybe if I just stick to it for 21 more days, I can also get a monthly author badge. After all, February only has 28 days.
Needless to add that there will be no monthly author badge. I am by no means not a busy #bee 🐝 Consuela was… but even she had her limits. Producing quality content every day, while working full time just doesn’t agree with us.
I also got a little moody and slapped myself for wanting to collect all those badges. What am I? A war hero? More like a sofa dwelling hero, especially the past couple weeks. What do I need all those badges for? 🙈
Anyway… you probably get the gist of why I’m not writing much. In this mood nothing good comes out from under those fingers.
Hence why just a short one today, to let you know I’m #alive and to join @friendlymoose in #pobphotocontest . I hope to see numerous entries by Sunday 😉
This week’s theme is NUMEROUS and there is still time to join guys. Make sure to check requirements here.
Until next time 💙