No boobs = No milk

in Galenkp's Stufflast month


"I'd like you to try," she said with it held enticingly in one hand in a gesture meant to make it more appealing to me.

I looked at it with a look of horror and derision.

I'd already said no a few times but that girl of mine can be persistent and it was clearly something she really wanted me to try. I steeled my resolve and (as defiantly as I dared) held firm. "But it tastes fucken terrible."

OK, that wasn't as defiant as I'd hoped it would sound, more of a petulant whine I suppose.

She looked at me with that look.

I returned her look with my look.

She returned my look to her look with her other look.

I returned her other look to my look that I had returned to her first look with my own other look.

She returned...

Ok, I probably don't need to keep going; let's just say there was much looking and return-looking in a battle of wills I was (always destined to win because I am a legit tough-guy) always going to lose to her because I'm forever worried she'll stop wearing low-cut tops and showing me her boobs just to punish me for defying her will.

So I relented somewhat and opted for compromise.

"Ok, how about I promise to try it for a week and if I don't like it I can stop. What say you?"

She considered this for a moment...a terrible moment in which I thought she'd rescind my boob access and force the issue but then a tremendous moment of triumph when she said, "deal. You're going to feel so good after a week! I wasn't so fucken confident but celebrated nonetheless.

You fucken beauty, I'd won! I was elated and basked in the glorious light of victory...

Umm, hang on...I'd just relented and agreed to drink the devils milk in my coffee for a week. Not much of a victory...but at least there'd still be boobs.

I'd agreed to drink almond juice

That's right, almond juice in my fucken coffee.

I'm talking about what most people call "almond milk" which, everyone knows is not even milk! How the fuck can one get milk from a nut if it doesn't even have tits?!

Apparently, there's benefits to drinking "almond milk" (a.k.a almond juice) instead of cows milk but fuck me, I can't think of one thing!

I'm told almond juice (I refuse to call that fucken shit "milk") is chocker-block full of protein, fibre, vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, manganese, zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, trytophan and calcium. Ok big deal, fuck those things, who needs them?

There's purportedly some other good shit in and about almond juice but I don't care, I'd rather drink milk that came out of a cows' boob.

Three days down, four to go

Yep, three fucken days of drinking coffee with almond juice in it that taste's like shite. Do I feel healthier? Nope. Do I look healthier? Nope. Do I like it? Fuck no. Do I miss cow-boob-milk? Yep, you bet your fucken ass I do.

I have four more days to go now and I'll be honest, I think I might not make it...meaning I think I'm going to die of almond juice consumption like everyone else (ever) who drank almond juice. True to my word though, I'm persisting and will push through the horror-nightmare I'm living while drinking almond juice in my coffee and if I do die I'll brush it off long enough to come back to life and say to that girl of mine, "I fucken told you so."

So, I was hoping someone could explain to me how the fuck they milk almonds when almonds clearly don't have any boobs. I'm curious. Also, if you happen to have an image of an almond with boobs or a video of an almond with boobs getting milked, I'd be ok with you putting it in the comments below.

Failing that, do you drink almond juice and if so why? Have you even tried it or would you die if you drank it like I'm going to? Feel free to comment if you want to.

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So many looks! And yet none of that looking could save you from the fate that followed.

I believe they have tiny little microscopic booben on their undersides which they can raise up and squirt at attackers to their nest. Or is that fire ants. Fuck, nature is so complicated.

I have repeatedly tried it, it is shit but is meant to be so healthy that i keep giving it another go!

I know man, looks everywhere but I still suffered the indignation of having to consume juice from a nut that is pretending to be milk. Titans deserve better treatment...but sometimes (usually) girl-partners have other ideas and there is great persuasive power in boob denial.

Don't worry though, a few more days and the week is over and I'll be back on milk that is milk, not nut juice.

It has health benefits apparently, but fuck me if I can abide the taste of it. Fuck those little almonds and their tiny "milk" producing boobies.

So I relented somewhat and opted for compromise.

That wasn't 'relented somewhat' - that was complete capitulation least you'll keep your boobage intact!

They must mash those nuts up, stuff 'em in a cheesecloth bag and then milk the bag. I just call it nut squeezins. It's was a sad day for udders everywhere when the nut squeezins took over the nomenclature of perfectly perfect milk. Next comes 'impossible meat' (gag) lol - that will deserve alot more looks

Well yeah, but if I call it a total capitulation (which it was) then it would breathe life into the capitulation and make it somehow more...umm...capitulationistic. So, I've capitulated, maintained boob access and all for the price of the shame of capitulation and drinking coffee with nut juice in it for a week. I'm going to chalk it up to a total win, like the Eagles over the Chiefs.

Fucken bag milking? What the everlovin' fuck! Some people have no shame! Squeezed nuts...hmm, not so good if one is a male of the human species, but I suppose almonds have a higher pain threshold. I do feel sorry for udders, I mean, udder than being a little weird-looking what have udders ever done to deserve such treatment?! (See what I did there? Udders.) Get it? Don't worry, if you didn't get it I have an udder one. 😁

lol I do love a good udder joke!

Squeezed nuts...hmm, not so good if one is a male of the human species

And that's what comes to mind when I hear the term 'nut milk'

Yeah, nut milk does have a certain tone to it and can bring images to mind that well...make one want to start an Onlyfans page. 😉

Not really.

I was just being udderly ridiculous.

Nothing screams Look At My Butthole louder than an onlyfans page! The udder day I heard they make damn good money.

Lol, yeah I was udderly gobsmacked about how much some of those assholes who are willing to plaster the internet with their buttholes for eternity make. Seems money is more important than their...well, anything else.

I know, right? I won't even have a colonoscopy lol....don't want any cameras near my prune chute, geez

It's weird how it all became a thing, all those content creators and all. Humans are strange.

This nut used only raw cow juice. None of that nasty pasteurisation or homogenization and none of the dangerous seed oils and carrageenans you often find in that nut juice. Down with that sort of thing!

Nut juice is the devil's liquid and should be eradicated. There's nothing quite like cow boob milk huh?

I like almond juice hot chocolate. I don't like coffee no matter what fluid it is served with.

I tend to prefer, however (with my protein shakes) long life milk watered down, as the protein shakes are basically powdered milk. :/

I've really been a little harsh on almond juice I guess. I suppose it just doesn't sit well with me that they call it "milk" when clearly almonds have no boobs; it seems a little misleading. Anyway, I've had almond juice hot chocolate (and iced chocolate as well) and I agree with you, it's not too bad...but tell no one I admitted that!

Excuse me, you just told an entire planet.

Haha! No one ever reads my posts so it's all good. 😀

Mate, I know that feeling!

My wife drinks the crap. I drink it in a pinch, but not if I don't have to.
Oh, here is your image:

Screenshot 2025-02-11 013311.png

You've found the only almond on the planet with an udder! Amazing work and your photography is excellent as well.

I'll be honest and say it's not been all that bad, drinking almond juice, but I don't think I will extend doing so; my brin just can't get around the fact it's market as milk...and it tastes like crap when compared against cow boob milk.

HAHA, yeah. I might get into shooting almond porn shots. There may be a fetish for it. I could even start an OnlyFans page for it.

No, it is tolerable, but I agree, it will never replace real cow milk.

Almond porn is where it's at, or so I'm told.

Onlyfans AlmondFans.


Anything for Survival they say...

And we know there is no use in surviving without boobs.!!

So we will drink what we got to...

Haha, exactly, and we learn to like it...or just die from it.

Haha, what a tough decision huh, but the boobs always win.

I have never had almond milk myself, but I've seen it on the store shelves and always though to myself "Who in their right mind chooses this over well . . . milk"

Good luck drinking that nut milk!

Boobs always win indeed...I just hope she doesn't threaten to deny my boob access unless I do another week of drinking almond juice in my coffee!

I have never had almond milk myself, but I've seen it on the store shelves and always though to myself "Who in their right mind chooses this over well . . . milk"

I figured you were a legit person but when I read this I knew you were. Stay away from almond juice, it's the devils drink.

At the beginning of your story I thought it was a romance novel or a poem. Very well written. Then it is a protest about having to drink almond juice. Of course fresh cow's milk is best. Almond juice is another food, I prefer roasted almonds in a nougat with bee honey. Coffee is best with original cow's milk. I enjoyed your post. Hang in there for the week, don't lose to your girl. Don't lose your breasts jjjjjjjj.

Oh yeah, roasted almonds and nougat! That's awesome.

It's been a tough week but I'm hanging on hoping not to die from almond juice poisoning; boobs are strong motivation to keep pushing on and getting through the tribulations of the almond juice week.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.

JjjjJjjjj I don't think I'd die from having some almond juice with my coffee. It's not really poison . But if he will die of love if he doesn't keep his girl happy and her breasts .

I remember, I was in the lower grade of elementary school, when not older boys lifted up to the window of the female locker room for physical education, so that I could see the boobs.
When the professor came, they jumped to the ground and ran away, and I was left hanging on the window, like old underpants on a clothesline.
How I was beaten then, but at least I saw the boobs.
A man is ready to do anything for good ones 😀

I drink coffee without milk, whether it's homemade black, filter or espresso coffee.
The only milk I drink with coffee is cow's milk, with Ness coffee.

Would I drink almond milk, with the condition that you also had, probably.
Brothers by boobs 😀

One's first boob experience is a special moment.

I drink black coffee 50% of the time. This week has been interesting though, almond juice coffee is...starting to taste ok. Don't tell anyone I said that though!

After a few more days you will get used to the taste, and you will still claim that you like it. And that she was right to make you drink it 🙂

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of almonds with boobs because .... they don't have any! I hate those things! One day my friend told me... do you want to try this? according to what they say here it's called horchata or something like that. For God's sake I almost spit it out when I tasted it. I thanked her but I didn't like it at all and I told her never to give me that again....

At home, milk is milk, cow's milk and meat too... No steaks made of soya for example, the steaks are made of meat.

Almonds, I eat them as almonds and that's it hahaha.

You hate almonds...or boobs, or almonds with boobs? Just for the record, I like boobs...but not almonds with boobs.

Cow's milk is where it's at for sure! Did you know, the story goes that Jesus turned water into wine. The truth of it is he actually turned water into milk. Ok, that's not true at all, everyone knows Jesus was a made up dude. (Just my belief and not in any way designed to cause offence to any who believe they need an imaginary friend.)

Almonds are for eating, not for drinking.

I hate almonds with boobs 🤣 I don't want those at all!

I love milk and almonds too but separate hahahahaha

Jesus... he might be a metaphysician... he knew a lot, but I don't know if he turned water into wine.... I think you're right, he created milk!

Exactly!!! Almonds are eaten... they are delicious in cakes and ice cream!

Jesus also walked on water milk. Ok, not really, that shit was made up too.

Cow's milk but directly from the cow... it's delicious, they used to bring me that milk, I used to boil it and drink it, I used to make desserts and stuff... long live the milk!

ha ha

Years back I tried almond not-milk and it was pretty good, then, I realized it was VANILLA almond milk and may have actually had a little sugar in it No wonder I thought it was good! So.. I tried plain almond milk and it was nasty. I didn't want to add more sugar to my diet (even before I had diabetes)..... so no more almond milk for me.

In coffee??? eewwww.... I can only imagine that it is not good. Fortunately, I drink my coffee black these days, so no need to worry about change. I do love milk though, I always have. I buy the organic and believe it is healthy for me, natural fats included, I just don't drink a lot of it each day.

I also like real almonds though and know they are healthy, so I eat them without squeezing the juice out of them.

Of course, it is nice to have a girl that loves trying to take care of you, even if you resist. :)

Nasty is probably not even a strong enough descriptor, but it goes close.

My almond juice nightmare is over now, none too soon considering I died from it, and everything is ok again. Dying it seems, doesn't have a lasting effect on me and not even almond juice can kill me for long.

Almonds are awesome though, when eaten like normal and I agree, it's nice to have someone who cares enough about my health to force me to consume almond juice which ultimately killed me.

She is not going to believe you next time you claim something will kill you, since you didn't go ahead and actually keel over this time. LOL

I'll have to do a convincing job of dying next time but the problem is aim so resilient that every time I die I come back to life. Maybe one day I'll manage it in a lasting way.

I am drinking oat milk in my coffee :)

I've not tried it, any good? Also, how the hell do they milk an oat? 🤔

I switched to Almond "Milk" five to ten years ago when I thought I might have some kind of lactose intolerance. I've actually come to enjoy it over the years and I probably would think that real milk tastes funny at this point in my life. I basically grew up on 2% milk which makes it kind of surprising that I enjoy the almond variety so well. Probably also makes it pretty unlikely that I actually have some kind of intolerance.

You're living testament to almond juice, and the only person on the planet who has survived drinking it; no one else has lived to tell the tale.

If there were awards for drinking it, I would probably hold them all. There's never been a better drinker of Almond Milk than me. It's probably the thing I am most know for, when people think Almond Milk, the think bozz... :)

When the almond juice Olympics start up you'll win all the gold medals.


I do enjoy almond milk, although putting it on my coffee (or any kind of milk, for that matter) is a big no no: single black coffee all the time for me!
PS. had to resist asking AI for a huge breasted almond! :)) Cheers! !BEER

I have black coffee a lot too, but when I don't...well, it has almond juice in it, this week anyway. Next week, milk straight from the boob of a cow.

Hang in there, boob milk will return soon! !BEER

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I'll just leave this here


I know some friends who say it's better for the environment or their health, but I haven't tried it myself. Have you found any positives in drinking it, even reluctantly?

Nah, no positives other than keeping my partner happy, I'll be back to cows milk as soon as possible.

Hi @galenkp, very good point, calling juice what is juice and leaving the name milk for what is milk. I have tried almond milk, and my conclusion is that if my doctor does not prescribe it, I will not drink it again.


You're smart, almond juice must be approached with extreme caution or else it is likely to cause temporary death.

You killed me with laughter 🤣, hope you have a great evening.

Lol. Yeah man, just relaxing. It was 42°C today and hotter tomorrow...feeling a bit drained. Anyway, I hope you have a good day too.

Around here it will be 1 or 2 degrees Celsius, not hot at all. I'm on a break now, maybe I'll go out for a coffee (no almond juice 😁), and settle for a normal day.

I've not tried Almond milk before. Maybe I should look for one and taste also 😂

For sure, it tastes horrible though.

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You must have expensive cows over there.

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