[ENG/DEU] Again Testers Needed for New Website Stuff

in CryptoCompany CEO2 days ago



I need testers again for a few new website functions and subpages. A CCD stake is not necessary, but beneficial. If you don't have CCD in the stake yet, you might want to top up after you've seen the new feature and before or after you do the test.

Ich bräuchte erneut Tester für ein paar neue Website-Funktion und Unterseiten. Ein CCD-Stake ist nicht notwendig, aber vorteilhaft. Wenn Du noch keine CCD im Stake hast, magst Du vielleicht aufstocken, nachdem Du die neue Funktion gesehen hast und bevor oder nachdem Du den Test machst.


In the meantime, everything is no longer so secret - it seems. I've heard that it's pretty obvious. I don't understand... Yes, I do, because that's exactly my goal here at @PowerPaul: to give you insights, knowledge and opportunities before I advertise them widely.

Anyway, the menu items for the function to be tested and the new subpages are already integrated and also advertised and linked here and there on the website.

Over the last few days, I've been working a lot on optimising the website's performance, fixing bugs, but also integrating and testing a new service, creating an overview page for CryptoCompany, CCD, expanding the media material...

There is always more to do before I generate the next wave. But I also want to offer the new things - and the FAQ page has always been lacking. This will be one of the next points if I want to serve the incoming flow of interested parties better and better in the future.


Mittlerweile ist alle nicht mehr so geheim - scheinbar. Ich habe ja gehört, dass es ziemlich offensichtlich sei. Verstehe ich nicht... Doch, verstehe ich, denn genau das ist mein Ziel hier bei @PowerPaul: Dir Einblicke , Wissen und Möglichkeiten zu gewähren, bevor ich sie groß bewerbe.

Wie dem auch sei, die Menüpunkte für die zu testende Funktion und die neuen Unterseiten sind schon integriert und auch hier und da auf der Website beworben und verlinkt.

Ich habe in den letzten Tagen viel an Performanceoptimierung der Website gearbeitet, an Fehlerbehebung, aber auch einen neuen Service integriert und getestet, eine Übersichtsseite zu CryptoCompany und dem CCD erstellt, das Medien-Material ausgeweitet...

Es wäre immer noch etwas zu tun, bevor ich die nächste Welle generiere. Aber ich will ja durchaus auch die neuen Dinge offerieren - und die FAQ-Seite war halt schon immer mangelhaft. Dies wird einer der nächsten Punkte, wenn ich den Zustrom an Interessenten zukünftig besser und besser bedienen will.


You can find the HSBI generator at https://cryptocompany.ceo/hsbi.php. Please visit the page and give feedback. If you like, test and start the generator. Previous test runs have gone smoothly so far. If something doesn't seem to work, please send me a screenshot and your detailed description of what you did, what happened when, etc.

I have finished a subpage in version 1. ‘How To Earn with your CryptoCompany?’ at https://cryptocompany.ceo/howtoearn.php . The page is not yet perfect, but could go online in version 1 and introduce interested parties to CryptoCompany and provide guidance on possible courses of action. What feedback do you have? What would you improve and expand thematically?

And so that the CCDollar finally gets its own page again: https://cryptocompany.ceo/ccdollar.php. This page is based on ‘How to Earn’, but goes into more detail about the CCD. What feedback do you have? What would you improve and expand thematically?

After the page with the media material (https://cryptocompany.ceo/media.php ) was neglected for a long time, I have revised the layout and added over 40 new banners in addition to the existing image material. Some of them are even correctly linked. With just one click you have copied the corresponding image and/or link to the clipboard. Use it when you write about CryptoCompany. I still have a lot more material which I will integrate bit by bit.


Den HSBI Generator findest Du unter https://cryptocompany.ceo/hsbi.php. Bitte besuche die Seite und gib Feedback dazu. Wenn Du magst, teste und starte den Generator. Bisherige Testläufe liefen bisher reibungslos. Falls etwas nicht zu klappen scheint, freue ich mich über einen Screenshot und deine detaillierte Beschreibung, was Du getan hast, was wann passiert ist, usw.

Ich habe eine Unterseite in Version 1 fertiggestellt. "How To Earn with your CryptoCompany?" unter https://cryptocompany.ceo/howtoearn.php. Die Seite ist noch nicht perfekt, aber könnte so in Version 1 online gehen und Interessierte an CryptoCompany heranführen und eine Hilfestellung für Handlungsmöglichkeiten sein. Welches Feedback hast Du dazu? Was würdest Du verbessern und thematisch ausbauen?

Und damit auch der CCDollar endlich wieder zu seiner eigenen Seite kommt: https://cryptocompany.ceo/ccdollar.php. Diese Seite ist an "How to Earn" angelehnt, aber geht im Detail tiefer auf den CCD ein. Welches Feedback hast Du dazu? Was würdest Du verbessern und thematisch ausbauen?

Nachdem die Seite mit dem Media-Material (https://cryptocompany.ceo/media.php) lange Zeit vernachlässig wurde, habe ich diese vom Layout her überarbeitet und zusätzlich zu dem vorhandenen Bildmaterial über 40 neue Banner hinzugefügt. Teilweise sogar schon richtig verlinkt. Mit nur einem Klick hast Du das entsprechende Bild und/oder den Link dazu in die Zwischenablage kopiert. Nutze es, wenn Du über CryptoCompany schreibst. Ich habe noch vieles weiteres Material, welches ich nach und nach integrieren werde.


There is no reward for this as advertised here. The reward is to be at the pulse of the times, to benefit from the new function as early as possible and to be able to buy CCD at a good price now, before this function becomes more and more widely known and thus the demand for CCD increases. If you're clever, buy CCD now before I advertise the tool (and those behind it) widely. But it's only a matter of days... I mean, look: I'm no longer hiding the function on the website... Recognise the function now and save your CCD.


Es gibt dafür keine hier ausgeschriebene Belohnung. Die Belohnung ist, am Puls der Zeit zu sein, schon so früh wie möglich von der neuen Funktion zu profitieren und jetzt noch CCD zu einem guten Preis kaufen zu können, bevor diese Funktion weiter und weiter bekannt wird und somit die Nachfrage des CCD steigt. Wer clever ist, kauft CCD jetzt, bevor ich das Tool (und die dahinter kommenden) groß bewerbe. Es ist aber nur eine Sache von Tagen... Ich meine, schau: auf der Website verstecke ich die Funktion schon nicht mehr... Erkenne die Funktion jetzt und sichere Dir deine CCD.


You are now allowed to share the links. If you talk or write about it, please mention that it is currently a test phase. Feel free to write about your test, what you think of the feature, whether you're excited about it, your opinion on the new feature, whether everything worked out, about the high APR, whether you would recommend other Hivians to staking CCD - things like that. If I have mana available, I vote these reports with a full 100% vote of our voting service and the trail behind it. If you need graphic material for your articles, visit https://cryptocompany.ceo/media.php.


Du darfst die Links mittlerweile teilen. Wenn Du darüber sprichst oder schreibst, erwähne bitte, dass es sich gerade um eine Testphase handelt. Du darfst durchaus von deinem Test schreiben, wie Du die Funktion findest, ob Du Dich darauf freust, deine Meinung zu neuen Funktion, ob alles geklappt hat, über die hohe APR, ob Du anderen Hivians empfehlen würdest CCD zu staken - solche Dinge. Sofern ich Mana zur Verfügung habe, vote ich diese Reports mit einem vollen 100% Vote unseres Voting Service und dem Trail dahinter. Falls Du Grafikmaterial für deine Artikel brauchst, besuche https://cryptocompany.ceo/media.php.

Greetings from Paraguay!

Follow for the unreleased stuff!
No... Better follow @CryptoCompany & @BroBang, my game & blockchain project! You don't will regret it!

Your vote keeps development, stupidities & fridges rollin'!

Rock 'n' Roll & Hive a great day!
Make the best out of it!

How to Be a Better Hivian?!

How to Be a Better Hivian?!

I feel free to mention a few people who wanted to test or are waiting for information: @crazyphantombr @cryptounicorn420 @dewabrata @edgerik @epearson @freecompliments @gratefuleveryday @happyphoenix @josephsavage @lordshah @neblomax @thebighigg @thedoc07 @uwelang

The three pages work well for me, by the way thanks for the HSBI, the flowchart is a bit complex, but if you take the time, it's very readable.
Great work 👍

Did you hear about the kidnapping at school?
It’s fine he woke up.

Credit: reddit
@powerpaul, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Okay, good, thank you for the feedback. The HSBI was/is in the database and already sent. You are welcome!

Yes, the flowchart... Thank you for your feedback ere too. I think the readability is hard on the edge and I welcome your feedback (but my perspective is shiftet. Because of course I understand it, but see all the line crossings and how this is confusing...) I thought about to integrate the CCPower aspect, but this would mess it up, I think. For the CCPower I assume I make an extra file.

Servelle, at your service! Thank you for your support!

I will check later - how is the test process? Just go there and write you feedback on Discord?

Testing seems good so far. Already sent out 8 HSBI without problems. But in general we have a lot of new stuff/functions/API calls on the website, so... there may be points where I have to work on... Feedback how you prefer. If I could choose, I would pick Discord.

Thank you very much!

Hi Paul,

Great to know that you have mentioned all the task in this post and no secret for now. I'll take my time and review each task and write feedback. It will be on discord, or I'll make a post, whichever seems easy.

Happy to help.

Hey. Yes, no secret any longer about... Do you know: "there is always something you want to do before". And before and wait for X and then Y and then... "there is always something you want to do before".

Thank you very much for your support! Happy about!

I will be in for current test, will stopby in discord later.

Awesome, thank you! Sounds great and I am happy about!

See you later buddy!

Task 1 worked it seems - got that message

Perfect. And I already sent the HSBI - as you can see in the transactions.

Thank you very much for your participation & all your support within the different topics!

Hive a great day!

But where are these HSBI now?

I can certainly test!



I hope this could push CCD price back to its original 1 hive :1000 ccd

I don't want to slow anything done, but I would say "It is a further step". Clear is: the campaign (all together) I am working on since a few weeks works so far. We are clearly in a process of rising up the CCD price & enhancing the ways to use & consume + make it more easy and understandable to interact with CCCEO.

Step by step we are walking forward. Steady movement pays off. I try to make it in the right step order. Actual topics are securing funds, explaining CCCEO, ongoing service enhancing of CCCEO, unlock further support and lastly to be able to publish/run/maintain the main game and the servers behind.

We are on the way, last times work in this direction and we all can be happy about. Thank you for going this journey together with you!

I'm in again!

And I am happy about! Thank you for your support!

@servelle, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/4) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @powerpaul gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

I admire the great work you are doing, the new feature worked perfectly for me.
I'm going to use a banner, which by the way are great, to attach it to my footer of my posts.