Over the last couple days I have heard a story or two of Jay-Z being accused of rape some twenty years ago, with the Notorious P.Diddy. Of course he is denying it and claiming innocence, but then, so do the majority of criminals, so the claim really isn't worth much. I have no insight into what actually happened and it is all speculation, but one thing should be very, very clear from all of the dirty laundry -
The rich and famous are depraved.
Not all.
And it might not even be a majority, but how I see it, the level of entitlement they hold, combined with the access to opportunity, they are pretty much all going to be affected in some way that will make them social outliers. No matter where they might have come up originally, once they are famous, they are no longer in the proverbial Kansas, and they are living lives that the average will find difficult to imagine. They are treated like gods, they are handed whatever they want, and people will throw themselves at them just to be close. And, as depraved as they might be, those who throw themselves at another human as if they are a god, just because they are rich and famous or can help make them rich and famous too, have to shoulder some of the blame.
This isn't victim blaming.
And yeah, there are apparently kids involved in this too, as well as drugs - but surely adults must have some level of sense that makes some warning bells go off in the head prior to being at one of these parties as paid entertainment, right?
But, this aside, what about all of the celebrities who attended these parties - shouldn't they all be at the very least be called into give sworn testimony as witnesses? Shouldn't they all be at least partially liable? Again, at least at the highly publicised parties that went on for a couple decades, there are plenty who attended and I call bullshit on all the people who say they, "left before anything like that happened" - because that is not the scene. It was going on to some degree at least the whole time, so everyone at those parties who remained quiet, is complicit. Anyone who thought there might have been something untoward or criminal and said nothing, is guilty, aren't they?
These are many of the most powerful people in entertainment.
They didn't fear for their careers.
It isn't because it is illegal, like doing a line of coke. This is some heinous shit that has been happening. And it has been happening for years. This is before, during and after other high profile cases, like Weinstein and Epstein. And there are many others too, with all kinds of depravity coming out with actors and singers, producers and the like doing things that even as kids, they would have known were wrong. They probably didn't grow up with the intention of becoming a depraved sex offender.
It is systemic.
And, it isn't just the perpetrators and those who stayed silent, it is the rest involved too, and the culture we have created. We developed an incredibly strange world, putting people on pedestals, making them stars, paying them absolutely ludicrous amounts of money for skills that probably don't make the world a fundamentally better place. They can sing, dance, kick or throw a ball, have an ear for music - but the majority of them aren't doing much to cure cancer, end global hunger, or improve nature. The top scientists probably don't have paparazzi following them on holiday, and people throwing their panties at them on the street.
We have failed as a society.
We have failed on so many levels, including the protection of innocence of children, or appropriately valuing human activity and rewarding it accordingly. While researchers looking into conditions that affect humanity struggle to get funding, P.Diddy is buying lube in bulk, as well as the drugs he mixes into them to stun his prey. And remember, he likely didn't buy any of this by himself, because he has a network of people doing it all for him.
It should never be forgotten that the rich and famous are both "rich" and "famous" because of us.
Their fame, their wealth, their access and the driver of their sense of entitlement, is provided to them by society, and we are that society that worships them, that pays them, that overlooks all of their bad behaviours. The question is why? Why do we pay so much to be entertained? Why do we put so much of our time and energy into worshipping celebrity? Why do we ignore these behaviours? Why do we keep on pretending that this culture is okay?
Why is so much of our power spent on empowering terrible people?
[ Gen1: Hive ]