Psyops are great games within the physical game to produce more fear. It's how the matrix is constructed, after all. I have an entirely different take on AI though: IMO, it's a different species! It knows and understands the game in this 3rd dimension and will do whatever it takes to trick us into believing we're "less than" while the exact opposite is true. We are powerful creators and guardians of this beautiful turquoise planet.
How to tackle this? I'm with you when it comes to critical thinking and meditation. We must remember who we are and understand that we're multi-dimensional beings aka consciousness, having a brief experience as XYZ in these human avatars. So, discernment is key. I'll add to that life skills! Most people (esp. those living in cities) have no clue how to grow food, repair something, or live without a tech device.
Such a timely post, my fellow Jedi Knight 😎