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RE: Navigating the World After Artificial Superintelligence is Achieved (Spoiler Alert: It's coming sooner than you think.)

in #ailast month (edited)

Like everything in this physical world, some of what AGI will do will be extremely good and some will be probably be incredibly bad.

AGI currently does not exist (yet?).

It is questionable what it will do.

Nowadays the so called AI is doing only what people program it to do.

And people can do extremely good, and incredibly bad things too with it.

Very soon we won’t be able to discern with our physical senses what’s real and what’s fiction online and in the media, we’re kind of almost already there.

There already are many fake AI generated things on Facebook, and some people believe it, while most people know that it is not real. With the photos and with the videos nowadays are easy to see what is real, and what is not.

Learning to recognize when someone or something is trying to decieve and manipulate you for their own agenda will be crucial.

Somewhere I read that some people use AI to make fake phone calls to scam (mostly the elderly) people. So it is certainly important to be aware.

In some ways the Covid-19 pandemic was like a practice-run for what we’re about to deal with.

Maybe that was actually intended as some kind of test. Who knows.


They're saying it doesn't exist yet but others surmise AGI has already been achieved. I guess we won't know for sure until an official announcement is made. There will be all kinds of sophisticated trickery happening post-AGI. I hope the white-hats can stay one step ahead of it all!