#BeerSaturday - Advent Beers!

in #beersaturday3 months ago


Life has been a trip but I always make time for #beersaturday. 391 of #beersaturday is the place to enjoy some seasonal surprises!

I have come to find, being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I am unwrapping a couple more surprise beers from my Beer Advent Calendar!!




While I often enjoy my pints at home where I can photograph them without shame, I also enjoy the Pint o' the Week on the town with friends in person. This week, we are kicking off the relationship with a new @town-crier / https://www.towncriermarketing.ca client, indoor golf playground https://www.foreeveryonegolf.ca We provide digital marketing services and they provide the pints and golf! These beauties are IPAs aptly named Birdie Juice.

Beer Advent Calendar!


Epic story short, 24 #beerologists gathered from across the province to visit 6 craft breweries in a day. At the 6th, we each brought our case of wrapped and numbered craft beer to exchange with eachother, each leaving with 24 different surprise beers to enjoy heading up to Christmas Eve. I have an unprecedented Dry January coming up so I am hoping all of these beers will cover me for the 4 #beersaturday posts for that month.


Beer 3 - Threat Level Midnight


This Black Swan Brewing short can was dressed up quite seasonally with christmas tree wrapping and present label marking it as beer number 3 out of 24. What will it be?


A black lager is something I don't normally pick up for myself but we recently accidentally brewed a black marzen I didn't hate so why not? I thought the guy on the label might have been Michael Scott from The Office but googled it just in case. Turns out I was right and this is a plot I never caught on the episodes I enjoyed.


As far as the beer goes, I have never had a Black Swan beer I didn't enjoy and this one was no different. good and malty but bright and crisp with a slight sweetness and nice subtle hop. I might have to pick up some more black lagers and ales when I see them on the shelves as I have not had 3 that were decent recently.

Beer 4 - Red Dragon


Beer number 4 is from a brewery I have never even heard of which is awesome when it comes to a case full of surprises. The label says County Durham Brewing Company but apparently they are known as C'est What and we have a little nerdy Star Wars wrapping paper for this one.


Perhaps they should have used an equally nerdy Lords of the Rings or Game of Thrones paper to better represent Red Dragon Irish Red Ale Our brewer loves a good Irish Red and I am a sucker for a malty beer on nitro so this might be good!


You will have to excuse the American pour on this one as you are supposed to shake a nitro can and pour aggressively into the center of the bottom of the glass. Once the foam settled down and I was able to top it up, it was a delightful pint. Not quite as bright as a CO2 red but wonderfully different and smooth for the nitro. THIS is the kinda surprise I was hoping for in this advent calendar collection of surprise beers.




I am about to have 30 days without a beer so I am not risking skipping any before dry January hits.

Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-391

Cheers to our global family of beer drinkers!!




Would you Nitro Red or Black Lager?


That's a fun event - good idea! I bet you got a lot of beers that you wouldn't normally try.

Black Lager would be my choice.

Good luck for you dry January. It's coming up quickly.

Ya man you know me. It is ipa or something weird most of the time. I know there are plenty of ipa lovers in the group but I am enjoying the surprises and rare stuff like nitro red.

Gonna be a long good January!

Cheers! But 30 days without beer? Impossible here. 😜🍻 Something religious?
Anyway, I wish you a Happy New Year and many more calendars like this, maybe for every month in the new year :)
The crypto world (read Hive) needs a Beerologist to set things right!

Haha no worries. I am taking a run at it now and have a huge New Year’s Eve coming up. Dry January, or a month without alcohol, is something I have never done. Just to shake things up a little and see what happens.

Still brewing and plenty of beers saved up from December so the #beerologist will be in the house all January too!


I enjoyed that beer while my Canadiens debuted a new goal tender for his first NHL game against the defending champs on the road. Cheers to a rookie shut out!

Jakub Dobes, I didn't know him before.
Strong performance at his debut, the Canadiens could use a strong goalie again.

Beer advent calender??

That is the most beautiful gifts of all!

It really is something special. Equal parts social gathering of like minds, brewery tour and a gift for all attendees that kept giving all December!


Hey @karinxxl, here is a little bit of BEER from @zekepickleman for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I find the alcohol volume of the dark beer, Balck Swan, low 🙄

A standard lager abv. Plenty of malt to make the taste bold enough but it could have used a little more punch for a December beer for sure.

Greetings @zekepickleman ,

What a delightful post....enjoyed the photographs...the parcel wrapped beers...what an idea....just splendid.

Thank you for your kind query.

This Black Lager sounds interesting...might have to give it a go.



Hey @zekepickleman, here is a little bit of BEER from @thehockeyfan-at for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

You are living the dream man! I love a red I have not had one in a while. In reality I have not posted a beersaturday post in a long time I need to change that.

I think I would love to try out the Red Dragon beer, it seems like it will have a lovely taste.


 3 months ago Reveal Comment