To celebrate week 383 of #beersaturday, we visit a brewery and brew some of our own!
I have come to find, being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.
It is a pretty prototypical #beerologist day when you make a road trip to pick up a new fermenter, enjoy a road soda, and then brew 60 more litres of your own beer!

The Pint of the Week is a popular feature as I can share a social pint, which is probably the best way to enjoy a beer. This one is a bit of a curve ball because we were drinkin' and drivin'! Not to worry though as this is Royal City - Mark It Zero Non-Alcoholic Pale Ale I have seen a few endorsements for non-alcoholic beers from other #beersaturday bloggers and wondered if I should see if they have gotten any better. This one was soapy and grainy but not horrible. Good enough to have discovered while not breaking the rules on a road trip.

Royal City Brewing
The journey started with a visit to Royal City Brewing which was next to the brew supply store. We were picking up another 60 liter fermenter to up our brewing capacity and had to make a stop in the bottle shop. Would be rude not to! I picked this one because I am an IPA adict, and my friend @davedickeyyall might like the label.
Breaking the bank on the hops is not the mantra of the lawnmower beer fan but sunny skies, fish tacos and ace runs sure sound like the jam for Double D. We drank this one after getting to our brewery and starting the boil on our own beer. SO much better than the Non-alcoholic road soda obviously and I would like to try this one again if it makes it to our shelves.

Brew Time
On the brewing schedule for today was another of our IPAs we brew every 2 weeks. You can see the brew in full boil after rinsing the grains with boiling sparge water. Drains the last of the sugar from the barley, wheat and oats which make the wort a little darker than what you might expect from a pale ale. You can see the bigass cup of Mosaic, Citra and Galaxy hops that go in after 10 minutes of boil.
When all is cooled and drained into the fermenter, the cake of hops on the bottom of the brewer is impressive. On 1 hand, I know how much flavour has been boiled into the beer already. On the other hand, I know how much hops cost and can't watching the big cake go into the green bin without taking a pic. That is a lot of hops.
After a couple beers and transferring the wort into the fermenter, it is labeled up with its relative gravity measurement so we will have an idea how the yeast does and what the ABV of the beer will be. This one started out looking like it may be less than 6% abv but the second reading in about 4 weeks will give us the real answer. Good thing we still have a couple kegs of our Oh Wow Milkshake IPA weighing in at about 7.1% to tide us over for the next couple weeks.


With those 2 types of people, aren't we glad we have beer?
Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-383
Cheers to our global family of beer drinkers!!