Sorpresa de chocolate! 🍫Chocolate surprise! 🍫

in #dclublast month

¡Feliz lunes para todos!.💖
En el cumpleaños de mi prima Lucia todos nos llevamos la sorpresa que la torta era de chocolate, en realidad era un ponqué de chocolate, pero la verdad no esperabamos que fuera tan rica, todos quedamos fascinados y eso que la hizo una vecina quien es amiga de la familia, ella trabaja con esto de las tortas y al probar esa que hizo entendimos porque le va tan bien, las tortas de los cumpleaños normalmente son de vainilla y ya, es toda blanca por dentro no como la que aparece en la foto, pero lo importante es que todos quedamos satisfechos y hasta la cumpleañera estaba súper feliz!❤️‍🩹

¡Happy Monday everyone!💖
On my cousin Lucia's birthday we were all surprised that the cake was chocolate, it was actually a chocolate sponge cake, but the truth is we didn't expect it to be so delicious, we were all fascinated and that was made by a neighbor who is a friend of the family, she works with this cake thing and when we tried the one she made we understood why it does so well, birthday cakes are usually vanilla and that's it, it's all white on the inside not like the one in the photo, but the important thing is that we were all satisfied and even the birthday girl was super happy! ❤️‍🩹



Wow, it looks super delicious!
