One day after another, one plate of spaghetti after another. Hahaha... joke. Of course, it's not the only thing I have to eat, nor do I eat it every day, although it seems to me that I could do it without any problems. I wouldn't get bored. You can always cook them in a different way, it's a creative culinary design activity...

{... which ends in a horrendous mess in the kitchen... I left it there} 😑
So right now I'm very full.
I shouldn't be writing this post, because I ate a big plate of spaghetti and then went for a rematch, for what was left.

When I like it, I like it... and it's hard to stop.
And now I should take a nap, so I'll continue writing later to leave a few thoughts here and there. Maybe this will be of value, laughter or... whatever to someone.
15:41 (ZZZzzzzzz... I'm already going to let my pillows hug me)
Hold on!
Do you know the cat that eats spaghetti?

Do you know the cat that takes a nap in my bathroom after eating spaghetti?

17:35 (back to writing) Yawning... I slept too much!
Let's skip the first things a loner does when he wakes up in the morning... I know I was on the subject of cooking the spaghetti (that's where I was?), but be patient. Things are unravelling. Let's talk a bit, I'm in this mood.
Significant events today:
A call from a friend to say goodbye because she's leaving this country in the early hours of the morning (finally) and she will escape forever from the seasons of power disconnection. Lol. I was so glad! For her, of course. And also for her gesture, because there are people who leave and don't even take a moment to say goodbye, and others come and don't even tell you that they are visiting, nor do they bother to say hello or even to see you. One day I thought that they failed with me, or maybe it was me who failed with them... today I think differently: what is not there is for a divine reason, what is not looking for you is because it is no longer in your way and it turns out that now you have more space for new and better company.
I've heard many people say that Cubans who leave drink the coca cola of oblivion... perhaps. Poor people, that's a really bad drink, it can even be used to clean toilets. 🤣
A woman shouting in the street that she was a whore. 😟 When I went out to see what was going on, she told me that she was going to buy wine and that I should buy wine too, to which I said no, I'd rather buy yoghurt.
"How boring you are", she said.
{are you sure this happened or did you dream it in your nap?}🤔

The ingredients.
I have only one cooker because the liquefied gas does not seem to be coming this time to the Puente Nuevo residents. There is a rumour on the streets that a ship arrived with liquefied gas and that they were dispatching it to different spots in Havana. Among those well informed people are my neighbours in Altahabana. Amanda Flores (I can't say flowers hahaha) always has accurate information.

Which comes first in this situation, this or the sauce?
The order of the factors does affect the product! 😁 I had been told the opposite in maths.
... I continue with today's events that deserve to be told.
The hot and smoky lady who does the laundry in this house started whistling. Hopefully it's a cold like the one I have (that has now evolved into a chronic cough)...
But please stop whatever it is she has, Universe!

I see that what you have is a fuzzy logic. 🤣

This will be hung on my terrace after I hit the publish button (and make the corresponding edits, including this one). The sink is still chaotic... but I'm a loner and I can afford certain luxuries.
By the way, I didn't tell you about this ingredient.

A little milk cream.
I don't think it's necessary to explain so much how to do this, the spaghetti, I mean. You cook the ingredients that are up there in a little oil, add the Iberian seasoning from the packet... It would be better without it, but this shit tastes good and gives a lot of colour too, look at the tip of my finger.

You have to chop it all up and meanwhile you're thinking about writing nonsense... that's why you haven't stopped taking photos.
That's basil, oregano and two different types of chilli.
I don't think anything else significant happened today. It's been a day of being at home, picking some passion fruit to make juice, cooking, washing clothes... coughing, thinking that sometimes I am alone but I am not alone, and having some melancholic episodes too.
I should rewrite all this. The most significant thing of the day is that I woke up. Another chance on this earth, I have a roof over my head, family, few friends, pets, a backyard, fruits... spaghetti when I want it and how I want it. And many more things waiting for me, like a book, my bikes, places here to travel, albeit virtually, many places in my country that I have not yet visited, the Havana city, whatever it is, beautiful, dark, wounded, worn, in love... and this girl (💻) who helps me to create, to switch on little lights, or fires here and there... Undoubtedly, focusing on the present and being present is much healthier. That's what I did today too. Being in my day, enjoying smells and tastes.