Lot of mud and lot of water
The days have become very wet here and everything is melting and muddy, even a small stream that usually dries up in the middle of summer suddenly came to life and looks like a big river. the sudden change of the stream is natural here with every big melt, there is even so much water that the ice that was here is hidden deep under the water and the water flows over it.
Now I have to wait when these wet muddy days become less, because my feet are always wet, if the boots don't dry properly, they smell really bad after a long walk.
I was use here my Samsung A50 phone

But for that, the kitchen is warm and it's nice to cook something there, here is a light oven chicken with boiled potatoes, which is enough to create a warm mood on a cold and humid day.
I be soon back what new post , I hope I find something bigger soon to post.