Lot of mud and lot of water

in #ecencylast year

Lot of mud and lot of water

The days have become very wet here and everything is melting and muddy, even a small stream that usually dries up in the middle of summer suddenly came to life and looks like a big river. the sudden change of the stream is natural here with every big melt, there is even so much water that the ice that was here is hidden deep under the water and the water flows over it.
Now I have to wait when these wet muddy days become less, because my feet are always wet, if the boots don't dry properly, they smell really bad after a long walk.

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone

But for that, the kitchen is warm and it's nice to cook something there, here is a light oven chicken with boiled potatoes, which is enough to create a warm mood on a cold and humid day.

I be soon back what new post , I hope I find something bigger soon to post.


Wao potatoes are looking very delicious.
What is the temperature in your area?
It's looking too cold.
I can see snow everywhere.

Now this is not snow more, it is some white mixed what mud :))) ... I hope you can make this warm food ... just go and mix something together :)) and have fun to do this :))

Your Samsung camera phone is really sharp

Oh :)) ... thank you!!

Wow, that table is really catchy. Even though the environment outside is .... Should I say challenging, the kitchen and that table is calling attention😃😃😃😃😃😃👋👍.

Thank you!!

Wow! The big melt down is like is like a river overflowing its bank, and with all that mud.
The potatoes and chicken dish looks very delicious though.

Thank you!! :))

You are welcome, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photos.

It's a big melt indeed with water flowing everywhere, I can even see some trees falling.
It's great that you can relax in the comfort of your kitchen and eat good food.

Thank you!! ... I be soon back out in this wet world :)) I want find deer :))

I hope you find it, I want to see how the deer over there looks like.

that's really chilly temperatures

Thank you!! ... uh this is here is warm :))
Here in Estonia , winter can go -29 ;) ... just now this mud and rain let me see how winter starts end :))

But despite the melting snow, I love the way the water flows and I also love the food on your plate 😁

Thank you!!

I don't like cold and damp myself, but snowmelt is a harbinger of spring.
Water is a powerful element! It erodes the earth and carries stones. I love to look at full-flowing rivers and streams.

Now I'm forced to start my dinner early))

Ah 😅👌 last winter I was fall in this fast water , did not feel very good 🤭😆😆... but yes nature is powerful, and can move a lot 👀👌👌👌😋🦊

It's a good thing you didn't get swept away by the current.)
It wouldn't have been much fun getting wet going back upstream for a long time)))

No it is not so strong, so that it can take me, but half of my body was wet lot 😆 and I had to run fast so I wouldn't freeze until I got home . 🤭😅👌👌👌👀🍺

I'm glad you're okay in that incident! But a turbulent stream, even a shallow one, can be very dangerous with the debris that can be in it.

You'll have to give it more time before the wet area becomes dry again. Is it caused by the melting snow or a stream nearby?

It rains and also snow melts lot just now 👌👌

That small stream looks great! It's a pit that it dries up in the summer... Btw., snow can be fun, but when it starts to melt, no fun at all 😂

Hmm ... in summer it also can wake up too , it it must be summer where is lot rain , but if we have just sun all time then it dries out fast yes :))
This snow looks here more like mud snow... And every time I go through the garden, I can't tell if I'm stepping in the mud or if it was the dog's poop :))) 😂😂

You’re quite a good cook! Your lunch looks yummy.
The weather changes so dramatically! Snow is melting everywhere!

Thank you 😋🦊👌👌🍺🍺🍺

Ha, ha, ha... at first sight I saw the riverbed and thought it was a dirt road; I was already wondering how the road was in the snow.
I love your pictures even if it is of food, which by the way provokes. Greetings and a hug my friend

Ah :)) ... you are right it looks like dirt road .... but Noo it is small riverbed :)) it was just wake up strong :))
I try make more food posts soon :)

yummy the food looks delicious 😅✌️

!giphy great

@sagarkothari88 vote

Thank you!! :)) I try make more soon ;)

you we welcome sir, aha great enjoy ✌️

Huge lot of water actually

Oh man! I just ate but after looking at those pictures I'm hungry again! Well done @foxkoit! 😀👍