Garden and food

in #evencylast year

Today was a pleasant day, since by today more fresh flowers had already come to the garden, which quickly come out on the first day of + 7 degrees heat. So I brought some flowers to the kitchen so I would have a fresh feeling when I was cooking.

I made one large amount of hot soup, it was not difficult for me to do this, but some say it is difficult sup 💁💁 I have no idea why 😁😆

This is beet soup with minced meat and root vegetables...

ingredients parts

minced meat
minced meat seasoning
fresh parsley
fresh chives
fresh dill

and finally, to put on a little sour cream on it before starting eating 😋😋👌👌👌

I was use here my Samsung A50 phone


Wao is very beautiful.
It looks like you are an expert cook.
The flowers are looking awesome.
Camera result is brilliant.
Nice post.

Thank you!!

Very nice pictures. I like these flowers! ❤️

I happy that you like it 😋😋😋👌👌👌 .. I get them soon more 😏😏👌👌👌 .... I have soon lot also blue ones 😏👌👌👌


Similar flowers grow in my garden. In a couple of days it will be even warmer outside

Cool ... I hope you get them lot more soon, first warm makes come a small amount of them, but the next warm wave will fill the whole garden with them :))) I have soon also lot blue flowers too .

It looks very hearty!

Thank you 😋👌

I myself am very fond of cooking handi and rose fragrance is my favourite.

Thank you 😁

You must be a good cook, the soup is very inviting, and
the flowers are captivating
I'm glad you had a blissful day

Thank you 👌😁☺

The flowers are beautiful, I can see you have already put them away in the glass of water.
What do you eat the soup with our do you just drink it like that?

Thank you ☺👌... it is soup we eat it , 👌😁

I want to eat this yummy dish

The flowers are beautiful, very well photographed

Thank you 😁👌☕

Hello @foxkoit, are these flowers daffodils? Very beautiful! And I love the menu for this food and how it's sizzling.

Thank you 👌😁☕ you are also into culinary delights.

Beautiful shots....

I have always knew that you are a great cook

Thank you!