How to say no to going green. How to say no to enjoying friends and family at the same time, and even more irresistible to say no to sharing with all of them. I want to go away with the family for a few days but I felt like I was still incomplete. It sounds weird, I know, but that was the feeling. Digging around a bit I realized that it wasn't that I didn't like the idea but that there were missing characters in the story, missing friends.
We and the family had already rented a couple of rooms to go together for a few days to a farm in the mountains of Cordoba and one of the rooms was huge for one person, and that person was me. I asked if I could add some people and the family said yes without thinking about it because my friends are almost family. So I picked up the phone and made a couple of calls to see what could be done!
And they joined the party. Finally Sole and Betty came to the sierra, only that they were arriving a day later and since I was going by car with the family I went with the family and on the way back we stayed one more day and the three of us came back together.
How nice to get up and after chatting at breakfast and laughing for a while, grab a bottle of water, wear the sneakers around our necks and go for a walk along the roads of the mountains with a departure time and not a return time with the intention of getting lost. Knowing that everyone was there and that they would be there when we wanted to return. Like a herd that in a moment the cubs have to go out to walk and find out what is going on out there.
We came back late, on one of those occasions my mother joined in and on another one one of my nephews. It was always with a first starting place but then we varied the rest of the way. In each of those trips there was only one slogan, that we try not to be the same as we had left that day. When we returned there was a moment when each one of us needed to be alone after having been together all day, as if we were going through a process and then we would get back together to laugh about what we had experienced that afternoon. Or to get together because our bellies were calling us to eat something delicious at a barbecue.
Enjoying family and friends being part of your family is something that doesn't happen all the time from what I hear and I feel very fortunate to be able to share it that way. I love my family and I love my friends.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Spanish Version
Como decirle que no a ir al verde. Como decirle que no a disfrutar de amigos y familia a la vez, y más irresistible aún es decirle que no a compartir con todos ellos. Me quiero ir con la familia unos días pero me parecía que igual estaba incompleto. Suena raro, ya lo sé, pero esa era la sensación. Escarbando un poco me había dado cuenta que no era que no me gustaba la idea sino que faltaban personajes en la historia, faltaban amigos.
Nosotros con la flia ya habíamos alquilado un par de habitaciones para ir juntos unos días a una chacra en las sierras de Córdoba y una de las habitaciones era enorme para una sola persona, y esa persona era yo. Pregunté si podía sumas algunas personas y la flia me dijo que sí sin pensarlo porque mis amigos son casi de la familia. Entonces levanté el teléfono e hice un par de llamadas para ver que se podía hacer!
Y se sumaron a la fiesta. Finalmente vino Sole y Betty para la sierra, solo que ellas llegaban un dia despues y como yo con la flia iba en auto a la ida me fui con la familia y a la vuelta nos quedamos un dia mas y nos volvimos juntos los tres.
Que lindo levantarse y después de charlar en el desayuno y reirnos un rato agarrar una botella con agua, llevar las zapatillas colgadas del cuello y salir a andar por los caminos de la sierra con hora de salida y no de vuelta con la intención de perdernos. Sabiendo, que todos estaban allí y que cuando quisiéramos volver allí estarían. Como una manada que en un momento los cachorros tiene que salir a andar y descubrir que pasa allá afuera.
Volvimos tarde, en una de esas ocasiones se sumó mi madre y en otra de ellas uno de mis sobrinos. Siempre era con un primer lugar de inicio pero después variamos el resto del camino. En cada uno de esos viajes había una única consigna, que busquemos no ser los mismos que habíamos salido aquel día. Cuando volvíamos había un momento en donde cada uno de nosotros necesitaba estar solo después de haber estado todo el día juntos, como si fuera hacer un proceso y después nos volvíamos a juntar a reírnos de lo vivido aquella tarde. O a juntarnos porque la panza nos llamaba a comer algo rico en una parrilla.
Disfrutar de la familia y que los amigos sean parte de tu familia es algo que no suele pasar todo el tiempo por lo que escucho y yo me siento muy afortunado de poder compartirlo de esa manera. Amo a mi familia y amo a mis amigos.