Family Sunday [EN/ES]

in #familylast year

Sunday with the family is always the best option. This time with my maternal grandparents, first cousins and my aunt. It had been a long time since we all wanted to get together and have something to eat but it was difficult because there were so many of us, then we were all able to get together but my grandparents got sick and it was a little difficult for them to get well but luckily they were able to do it and finally we met up.

It has been a long time since we had to see each other and with the cousins we see each other even less because there are several of us and life. So today we got together to eat a potato cake is a delicious meal based on minced meat with onion, red bell pepper, olives and hard boiled egg and to cover the cake, as if it were a cake, a mashed potato on top. Once it is ready, it is baked in the oven with high heat for 30 minutes and ready to serve at the table.

As soon as we arrived we started talking non-stop with my cousins because Tomas, the oldest, was on a trip for 2 months traveling around the world and visiting a lot of countries so he was telling me about his trip, it gave me goose bumps to hear his experience and to see him after so long. Lucas, my youngest cousin is like a brother to me and with him we understand each other as if we were living together and we are starting to laugh our asses off.

This is a series of dishes that he kept and displayed in his home throughout his life. As decorations and prizes. I remember she used to have more but I don't know if she gave them away or what happened to them, what I do know is that it is collectible and my grandmother is very proud to have it_.

My grandparents were very happy and as they are great hosts they welcomed us with a delicious snack of some of the things my grandfather makes to eat. One of his specialties is toast with pesto. And another toast with a slice of leberbush and a piece of pickled gherkin. And for an appetizer. There was caipirinha, vermouth and I don't remember if anything else and we had that while we talked about life until the cake arrived.

When that beauty arrived, while they were being served in the kitchen, I was serving wine, soda and beer for everyone until the last dish was served and we did not start to eat. As soon as we started to eat, it was very funny to go from the commotion of everyone talking at the same time about different things to total silence and everyone with their mouths full. Making them see that made us all laugh a lot.

We had an incredible afternoon that could not end without dessert, champagne and much less coffee. That part is usually the longest part of the get together but particularly today it was shorter than other times because Boca and River are playing soccer and since it is the classic of classics even if you don't like soccer you watch it. But since we are all Boca fans at home, the game is watched. So this was my family Sunday like few others.

Spanish Version

El domingo en familia siempre es la mejor opción. Esta vez con mis abuelos maternos primos hermanos y una volada en la fiesta, mi tía. Hacia mucho nos queríamos juntar todos y comer algo pero se nos estuvo haciendo difícil por ser muchos despues ibamos pudiendo todos pero mis abuelos se enfermaron y se complicó les costó un poco ponerse bien pero por suerte lo pudieron hacer y finalmente nos encontramos.

Hacia mucho nos teníamos que ver y con los primos nos vemos menos aun por que somos varios y la vida. Así es que hoy nos juntamos a comer un pastel de papa es una comida riquísima a base de carne picada con cebolla, morrón, aceitunas y huevo duro y para cubrir el pastel, como si fuera una torta, un puré de papa por arriba. Una vez que ya está presentado, ahora va al horno con fuego fuerte por 30 minutos y listo para servir en la mesa.

Apenas llegamos nos pusimos a hablar sin parar con mis primos porque Tomas, el mayor, estuvo de viaje 2 meses viajando por el mundo y conociendo un montón de paises asi que me estuvo contando de su viaje me dio piel de gallina escuchar su experiencia y verlo después de tanto tiempo. Lucas, mi primo mas chicos es como un hermano para mi y con él nos entendemos como si viviéramos juntos ya nos empezamos a cagar de risa.

Esto es una serie de platos que durante toda su vida fue guardando y mostrando en su casa. Como decoracion como premios. Antes recuerdo que tenia mas pero no se si los fue regalando o que fue de ellos, lo que si se es que es coleccionable y mi abuela esta muy orgullosa de tenerla

Mis abuelos estaban muy contentos y como son grandes anfitriones nos recibieron con una picadita riquísima de algunas cosas que hace mi abuelo para comer. Una de sus especialidades es tostadas con pesto. Y otra tostada con una rodaja de leberbush y un pedazo de pepinillo encurtido. Y para tomar un aperitivo. Había caipirinha, vermut y no me acuerdo si algo más y picamos eso mientras conversábamos de la vida hasta que llegó el pastel.

Cuando llegó esa hermosura mientras los iban sirviendo en la cocina yo fui sirviendo vino gaseosa y cerveza para todos hasta que el último plato fue servido y no pusimos a cenar. En un momento apenas comenzamos a comer, fue muy gracioso pasar del alboroto de estar todos hablando al mismo tiempo por diferentes cosas al silencio total y todos con la boca llenas. Hacerles ver eso nos hizo reír a todos mucho.

Pasamos una increíble tarde que no podía terminar sin el postre, ni el champagne y mucho menos el café. Esa parte suele ser la más extensa de la juntada pero particularmente hoy fue más breve que otras veces porque juegan Boca y River al fútbol y como es el clásico de los clásicos aunque no te guste el fútbol lo miras. Pero como en casa somos todos de Boca el partido se mira. Así que este fue mi domingo en familia como pocos.