It's honestly too easy to get lost in the details, or in just following what's "supposed to be the right option", and nowadays everything seems more complex too. To where you think I'll buy organic to be "healthier" but oh actually it's also just used as a marketing strategy so it saying organic doesn't necessarily mean it's better for you, eventho it costs more and you'll mentally feel better with picking that option. You then go to your doctor because you think doctors know what's best for me, but then end up just ignoring the fact that real change requires real effort, and not just hiding your symptoms by taking some "medication", you're spending money on feeling better quickly, but in the long term what is it gonna change for you? Maybe at some point you then think okay diet is important, exercise is too, but then if you don't have much knowledge about it in general, which trainer/coach or dietician can you trust? Because it's also a business, and not all of them will care much or be as knowledgable or experienced. So then before you know it, you're like a decade or two later, having been trying this trying that, and if you're lucky you're finally coming closer to making a little more sense.
Lol, that's how it can go in this modern times. I myself also had times where I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out which kind of brand of each supplement and which dosage will be perfect to optimize any improvement to make it just significant enough to notice anything, while I was still struggling with controlling my sleep and diet. In the end it's all not so complicated, that's why I also really value keeping things as simple as possible now, I barely even watch health related content anymore (especially deep dives on the science and everything, getting into useless details I don't need to know about), because it often just lead me to overthinking, feeling overwhelmed and having less energy to just do well at the basics.