CJ's, in Forked River, New Jersey, is one of the few places that I have been to that offer blintzes. The picture above doesn't accurately depict the plate as I received it because I already smothered the blintzes with sour cream. My bad! However, when I don't feel like having a traditional breakfast, I order Cheese Blintzes with a fruit topping. This particular morning, I went with banana. At CJ's, these blintzes are accompanied with breakfast potatoes, which I don't even believe are necessary to this meal. Just the blintzes alone offer a light breakfast.
CJ's serves three blintzes with a side of sour cream. While it is offered as a breakfast item, it doesn't have to be restricted to the morning. Cheese Blintzes take me back to a time in my childhood when my mom would pick up a box of them in the frozen section of the local supermarket and heat them up in a frying pan for lunch. You have to ensure that the outside of the crepe becomes a light shade of brown with a little crispiness to it. Of course, we also stopped at the dairy section and bought sour cream.
While my father was 100% Italian, my mom was German and English. I ended up with the best of both worlds when my mom learned how to cook Italian food from my Aunt Fanny and also shared some of her nationality's cuisine with me. I do remember that my brother wasn't as daring. CJ's does do a good blintze and while it may not be for everyone, I do recommend anyone to try this dish which is basically a cheese crepe (but think ricotta and cream cheese, not cheddar).