This morning I slept in a little and went to work later than usual, I mean I still got there before I actually start since it only take around 6-7 mins to walk there.
I got to use some pressing machine that presses cardboard boxes which was fun, other than that I did the usual and went around the place to pick up things like plastic,metal,wood,etc. and helped some customers lift stuff.

When I got home I was prepared to make food a little later for myself but my neighbor called and asked if I wanted to grill and eat with him so ofc I said yes .
It took a while to get the grill to be perfect for grilling but we just sat outside and listened to music and talked meanwhile and before that we played some Resident Evil on PS4 (forgot which version of the game tho) but it's really fun!
Well I haven't fully decided everything yet but I do know I am going to work some in Blender and also do some research and listen to music, after that I'll probly meditate a little and watch an episode of some series and then continue research. Also thinking of drinking some beer or cider but not decided on that yet :) For now though I am gonna go outside again and play with one of my fav dogs in the dog yard outside of my apartment for a while.
I might also play some games later and I will try to screen record and put on 3Speak later but that's a maybe cuz I suck at games so don't really want to show my gameplay lmao.
Thanks for reading! <3