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RE: Greedflation

in #foodlast year

I can't imagine the profit margin for things like potato chips. The bag is 95% air now. We're actually paying for grease-scented air. Lol.

My wife and I choose quality over quantity now too. At 52 I can't believe how my body reacts to the mainstream products now. Everything is so laden with sweeteners and salt.


SOMEBODY is getting RICH ! I wonder if they eat their own products? 😄

I noticed a little while back that Lays has finally made their bag smaller on some products, not shorter, but more narrow and some of it when opened has the illusion that the bag is fuller (well it is, but it is not more product than before when it looked half full). I guess they finally found that they could save money on the bag too !

All the salt and no-telling-what kinds of other additives definitely makes many products these days cause issues when consumed. More and more old favorites are dropping off my grocery list.

They're definitely creative! I've noticed really odd weights / measurements of products too, like 11.5oz or 10oz when the products used to be 12oz.

I won't eat hardly any of the brands we grew up with anymore but, oddly, I love the occasional White Castle cheeseburger. I guess we have to pick our poisons. Lol.

We do ! I can't claim not to still eat some of the bad stuff myself and White Castle is still good. I only eat them once or twice a year, but I still enjoy them.

Picking our poison would be SO much funnier if it weren't so totally the truth of things.

Ok... it's still funny.

I still enjoy Castles too. Except for the price, they haven't changed one bit since the 1970's. : )