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RE: Greedflation

in #foodlast year

I'm definitely going to be making it this week. It seems simple enough, that's my kind of cooking. : )

Oh I used to love the Pepperidge Farm brand, especially their Gold Fish snacks. It always seemed upper echelon to us compared to other brands when we were growing up. I remember a small loaf of white bread they used to sell, I think it was marketed for hors d'oeuvres and small sandwiches. The sugar content must've been pretty high in it because my brother and I would usually make it disappear quickly.

Smoke and mirrors, for sure. It's insulting that they think this kind of pandering will work but, sadly, it probably will. I see people jumping on the "shrinkflation" bandwagon everywhere.


I owned a bakery for many years. When times got tough, my products got smaller. No one noticed, not like they would had I raised prices. There's no shame in trying to keep a business alive. I find this insulting too. Biden, or whatever is handling him, thinks we are very stupid. Unfortunately, many of us are, perhaps even those of us who think we know what's really going on, you and me! I'm now aware that we are all being played, layer upon layer of players playing the folks "beneath" them, or in their control in some way. I've been blaming doctors, for instance, for the covid con, but they are being played by the players above them. Check the trailer out below; I gotta get this movie, my thanks to @activistpost for providing the info. We are all being mind controlled in some way. MSM is a control device, shackles on our minds. There are other shackles, all around us, in our hands, on our tables, in our utility meters, cars, bar codes. Everywhere. They tell us what to think and do. Not an easy situation to get out of!

You are absolutely correct! Many of their efforts hurt small businesses much more than they do the big corporations. Even the most wide awake among us are probably many steps behind. We are all getting played in multiple ways and it's been that way for quite some time. We're watching West Wing now and it's interesting to measure how much has change and how much has remained the same since the late 1990's. The biggest changes I've noticed since we started the series are our reliance on technology and how much "political correctness" has expanded. It's been quite educational. Thank you for the links, I haven't seen the movie yet but I'll check it out!