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RE: I Made the Original Chef Boyardee Spaghetti Sauce from the 1930’s!

in #foodlast year

No garlic !!! ha ha

I'm glad it turned out well in the end.

I also like going by an original recipe to the letter the first time. How else dose anyone know what it really tastes like? Then like you, if it's mostly good, I can add whatever I think will make it better next time if it needs something.

I see that all the time in online comments where people will say they tried a recipe only they changed this, added that.... etc. I humorously think to myself "no... you didn't really try THIS recipe now did you?"


My first reaction too! I just had to taste the sauce first as-is to see what all the fuss was about. : ) I really have to restrain myself following the recipe so strictly. I inherited too many of my Dad's genes, he would throw everything into a dish but the kitchen sink.

I do that a lot too, throw everything or anything .... or new things in, when it is a dish I know well already.

One time I made the absolute BEST meatloaf I had ever tasted anywhere, but because I "kitchen sinked" it with whatever herbs I had at the time and who knows what else, including the last of a jar of salsa, I have never reproduced it quite the same. I can add what I remember, but I didn't measure of course and well, although my meatloaf is still pretty tasty, it has never been quite as divine as that one was.