The current economic situation is a bit critical, several restaurants and businesses try to attract customers, for me the best way to do this is attention, the price of food generally fluctuates in the same range, so attention makes the difference.
The flavor, the presentation, the texture, everything is a compendium that helps the company to progress, but if the people who serve do not have that kindness with the customer, it is difficult for them to compete with other places.
I bought this dish at LA MATRIARCA, an excellent place, they have bilingual waiters, even on the weekend they hire artists, this certainly makes the difference, so much so that even during the week it is always full.
Whether it's a simple snack accompanied with a drink and sauce, if you receive friendly attention you'll come back, friendliness makes the difference and attracts customers.
When I enter a place to eat something I observe everything, well it's my job, let's say I take it everywhere hahahaha, it is NOT necessary for those who serve me to smile at me, in fact I do it when I say thank you, the job of serving the public requires good disposition, we all sense people's energy, well I think so.
The cleanliness, organization and good disposition of the people who serve is what the customer always appreciates.
Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE
The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone