Good Morning!
I like my bedroom better now. I am not done rearranging the rooms though. I will continue today, despite the not so sunny morning. Boo-hoo 😅
I got 2 organizers from Amazon last week, white I must say, and they fit better with my wall and whatnot, compare to the silver rack I had. Moved out some indoor plants from my room, it's less jungle-ly (is that a word? 🤣) and brighter.
I also changed pillow covers and they are colorful with letters, saying "Hello Summer". Yep! I am tired with the cold, cloudy, days 🙈🙊🙉 I bet you will hear me saying, "today was too hot", come real Summer 🤣🤣🤣🤣 My boys protested tho. They said, why, it's not Summer, yet. Those rascals, always protesting 😅
For today's recipe, I have a great crinkle cookies recipe to share. Boys, esp. my youngest, love all sorts of crinkle cookies, So I make them pretty often 😊
1 c walnut halves
1 1/4 c flour
1 tbsp BP
A pinch of salt
1 c 70% dark choc chip
1/4 c unsalted butter
2 tbsp sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c Baileys
2 tbsp sugar
1 c icing sugar
Mix flour, salt, BP in a bowl, set aside
Chop walnut to bits and pieces, set to side
Mix butter, sugar, and chips in a bowl, microwave for 50 secs, stir to combine, set aside
Beat eggs, sugar, and Baileys in another bowl until completely combined
Add in walnut bits
Stir in melted chocolate
Fold in dry ingredients until completely combined
Cover with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for 2 H
Scoop dough and coat it with icing sugar
Place cookie dough on greased pan
Bake on preheated 350 F for 10-12 mins
Let stand on pan for 5 mins then move cookies on cooling rack