Milky Pudding with Vanilla Sauce (Puding Susu Vla)

in #food2 days ago

Hi Friends!

My back was somewhat better for close to 2 days, however yesterday I got so exhausted from cleaning my pantry, up and down, and I hurt it again somehow. Last night and at the moment, again I am not really mobile. Ugh. Maybe I should go to walk in clinic on Monday, but the clinic often has "no walk in today" sign. It's pretty annoying that "free" healthcare is often not accessible when you need it the most, due to healthcare professional shortages here and there. Even with salary 500K CAD per year, doesn't seem to lure them to rural areas 😅


Rambling too much!

I love pudding with vanilla sauce. In fact, if I could be honest, give me the vanila sauce any time, I would never say no. No pudding? No problem. I love creamy and sweet vanilla sauce 😁😁😁😁


1 pouch agar-agar
1 can green grass jelly in syrup
1 c milk (250 ml)
3 c water (650 ml)
6 tbsp sugar

1 yolk
1 pouch vanilla sugar
150 ml milk
450 ml almond milk
2 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 c sugar

Strain and cube grass jelly, spread half of it on jelly mold, set to side


In a pot, bring to boil, milk, water, sugar, and agar-agar. Pour half of it on grass jelly in the mold, chill in the fridge for 10 minutes


Spread more grass jelly, and pour the rest of the agar-agar mixture. Chill until set


When ready to serve jelly, about 10-20 minutes before serving, prepare the sauce

In a pot, mix everything until completely combined, then bring to boil, on low-medium heat. Mixture will be thickened



Serve pudding with room temperature, chilled, or slightly warm sauce
