Everything is coming alive in Northern BC Canada

in #garden11 months ago

It looks like my new apple tree (nothing more than a stick at the moment) survived the winter! Spring is really coming to my region in the Northwestern part of British Columbia, Canada. The state media outlets are threatening a global-warming fueled Summer of heat, drought, and wildfires. I've started my garden 1-2 months earlier than most growers around here do it, but I'm confident I made the right choice. Summer's going to come early this year - better get the Spring plants in!


That's the tip of my apple tree. I'm no tree expert, but I think it looks healthy, and ready to start putting out new growth.

Below is a green pea plant emerging from damp soil:


All kinds of things are showing early signs of life right now, like this dainty little floral shrub.


And here is one of my blueberry plants, budding after looking pretty dead all Winter:


My bulbs are all doing well, most of them having been planted around Halloween. Here are some flowers about to bloom in the bulb garden:


And some garlic:


I'm happy to see my green leaf lettuce has sprouted... but not happy to see all the footprints (and worse) the neighbor's cat has left...


I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with that cat, which believes the garden I've created is actually its new toilet.

But today was about digging out a giant root that traversed the garden:


It held back my progress finishing off the plowing/tilling, but I'll resume that tomorrow. It's good to have that big thing out of there.

Here's today's yard update photo:


Click here for my previous garden post.

The long-term weather forecast here is more of the same, so unless we get a late April cold snap, or a Spring hailstorm, it looks like I'm home free! If I have to replant some crops, that's okay, I didn't put out anything I can't afford to lose. But I think I made the right call by planting so early. There's still lots more to go in, but it feels nice having the peas, lettuce, and other Spring crops already in the ground! Along with all the bulbs coming up, and perennials starting to bud, it's really looking like Spring in Northern BC Canada.

Grow in peace.
