Spring weather keeps blessing BC Canada, and everything is lush, green, and healthy! Flowers are blooming and food crops are growing fast. Have a look around my backyard garden before Summer really hits, while all the plants are still fresh.
First up is some food! Well, some people don't really consider it food, but Swiss chard is quite nutritious - and tasty if you prepare it properly.
Not food yet, but these strawberries will be a tasty treat in a couple weeks.
There's the latest apple update! I think we'll start seeing blossoms (and apples) on it starting next year.
Tomatoes. Sigh!
I normally do several types of tomatoes. This year, I only attempted 3... and it looks like only these Romas are going to come up. It's just not a tomato kind of year! Too cool, too damp. That's okay, I'll grow more peas and lettuce instead!
We are currently eating one fresh green salad out of the garden, every day. If we don't, the lettuce starts piling up! It's coming in fast and tasty, and we're enjoying every bite. I bring in the lettuce, @MediKatie mixes up some dressing!
The last 3 days in the lives of my scarlet runner beans. Notice the holes! I went over them thoroughly to find the culprit...
Not good. I removed it... but I don't think that's what was chomping holes in my leaves! That's more like a tiny vampire... I'm looking for a big werewolf...
Yeah, that's probably who done it! Hopefully there won't be more, but that's probably a vain hope. Chances are there's a lot more. We'll see what happens!
Now, a few flowers I noticed on the property:
That last one will grow me some medicinal buds in late Summer. The secret garden is doing well so far : )
My previous garden post can be found here if you are interested.
Thanks as always for taking a stroll through my garden! I hope you enjoyed it.
Grow in peace.