Signs of life as Spring finally comes

in #gardenlast year

It's still below freezing at night, but here in Northern Canada it feels like Spring is coming! We've got green shoots coming out of the ground, and buds appearing on tree branches. Get ready for things to turn green!


That's a tulip I planted in the Autumn. Nice to see it survived the winter! I should have several coming up along the front of the house.


My little apple transplant survived the winter! Here's hoping for a good year of growth so that it can start producing fruit in an upcoming Summer.



Those are shoots coming up from some dahlia bulbs I apparently missed when I brought mine indoors for the Winter. It wasn't a terribly cold Winter this year, which explains why they're still alive. Cool, I'll replant the bulbs I brought inside, and there will be a few little shrubs with flowers this year.


Those are snowdrops, which I also planted in the Autumn. Usually they're the first flowers out in the year, so I expect to see their little yellow blossoms soon.

Now, the most recent 2 daily update photos:


Notice I've extended the garden another couple feet toward the house. The ground is still frozen below a few inches deep, but I was able to strip off the top layer of grass. I feel somewhat accomplished, having already done something in the garden so early in the season. Hopefully it bodes well and this is going to be another successful year!


The astute observer will notice I've chopped down a tree in between those 2 photographs. Behind and to the right of the firepit.

Click here for my previous garden post, which was my first of the year.

Happy Spring (or Autumn depending where you are)!




Green is my favorite color 💚

The plant is growing, new life , new hopes