These potatos look great. Since you are good at cooking when are you going to share a recipe with us with vegetables all from your garden?
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Honestly, I cook like that all the time, but putting extra effort into presentation and photography is such a hassle...
I have so much stuff to blog about right now...
I am blogging, almost daily. I think that's enough.
If I ever run out of material, I will post food, though :P
To get over the waiting period, have a look at my Kartoffelpuffer from a while ago.
I will 100% post Kartoffelpuffer again.
It's proof that we Germans don't always eat bland, boring food.
I think this recipe would work everywhere in the world.
Opinions vary, but I have gotten positive feedback on my cooking skills in the past B)
Ah ... I go soon look it :)) , I hope yo make more food posts in long run ;)
It be fun to see what you going to make :)