The start of a new Peakd walk

in #gardenlast year

Hello community, it is with great pleasure that I post again after an absence.
Today I chose to start something that I really like, which is my garden, my trees, my plants.
In this Post I chose my lemon tree which currently has no leaves or few leaves but has some beautiful yellow lemons that I love for seasoning meats and making sauces, just as in summer on the hottest days I can make very tasty lemonades.
I also have the peach and with its beautiful violet and pink flowers, I hope this year to be able to produce some delicious peaches that I love so much and here at home too.
In my garden I have my broad beans growing, the first planting didn't go as expected and then my father helped me and we sowed some broad beans again which are now very beautiful and growing well despite the days being very rainy lately.

With this Post, after a long absence, I begin my new journey on Peakd, hoping that it will be a constructive journey, one of sharing experiences and learning.


