I love indian cuisine! Can't go wrong with a biryani for me! 😅
Yeah rice is universal, I don't think I can do without rice for more than a week!
Biryani is timeless.....you can it anytime...especially when it has chicken pieces....rice is all season food , being grown in our fields it becomes a staple diet innour area.
Yeah timeless is a very apt word to use! 😁
Making me crave for some biryani right now, maybe I should have the craving satisfied this week!
Have tried jackfruit biryani...? I had few days ago st my sister place and it was delicious craving for more now
Jackfruit biryani?! Is that even a thing?
Have never heard of that combination before and probably wouldn't be able to find it in Singapore unless I make the dish myself? You're making me curious about it! 😅
My sister is a MasterChef in herself..she can do magic with anything and jackfruit biryaninis super awesome....complimenting to mutton biryani.