The love for cakes is inexplicable, this dessert is a delight suitable for any palate, from the little ones to the most adults. Lately, taking into account my obsession with them, I made the decision to practice making a couple, this to try my own cakes.
The secret to an excellent cake is in the details, a good selection of fruits, a rich and silky pastry cream filling, and above all a delicious shortcrust pastry to serve as a base.
Perfecting any of these techniques separately would open up a universe of possibilities in the kitchen, always a new way to treat ourselves or surprise our guests.
Here I share my second attempt at a cake, this time without a little more exotic fruits...

- 100 gr de Mantequilla sin sal
100 gr of unsalted butter
- 72 gr de azúcar impalpable
- 72 g of powdered sugar
- 20 gr de harina de almendras
20 g almond flour
- 30 g de maicena
30 g cornstarch
- 36 gr de huevos
36 g of eggs
- 170 gr de Harina de Trigo
170 g of wheat flour
Mainly, we start by preparing the shortcrust pastry, which will be the base of the cake. In a bowl we add the butter and with a spatula we will cream it, or crush the butter until it becomes a cream.

In the bowl where we left the butter, we will incorporate, in sifting mode, the powdered sugar, almond flour and cornstarch. Mix the ingredients well with the spatula, then add the egg little by little.
After integrating all the ingredients, we add the flour until it forms a dough.
We place the dough on a silicone mat and with a spatula, scrape the dough against the mat in order to obtain a homogeneous consistency and a smooth texture.

With the created dough we form a ball, we place it on top of baking paper, and we place another baking paper on top and stretch it with a rolling pin until we obtain the desired thickness, it can be between 2 or 3 millimeters.
After we have obtained the desired thickness, we refrigerate the stretched dough for an hour, it is still covered with baking paper.
We remove, after the indicated time, one hour... and proceed to cut according to the size of the cake. Or the size of our preference.
We grease the mold with butter and place the dough carefully. After placing the dough in the mold, we pierce the dough until the dough.

It is necessary to cover the dough with little holes, so that it does not puff up. This is a tip or advice necessary to make the cake base perfect. When the dough is ready, bake it for 10 minutes until golden brown.

- 3 tazas de leche
3 cups of milk
- Rayadura de medio limón.
Scratch of half a lemon.
- 4 yemas de huevo
4 egg yolks
- 5o gr de maicena
50 g cornstarch
- 1 taza de azúcar
1 cup of sugar
- Media cucharadita de sal
Half a teaspoon of salt
- Media cucharadita de vainilla
Half a teaspoon of vanilla
- Una cucharada de Mantequilla
One tablespoon of butter
The beauty in pastry cream lies in its simplicity, it allows us to easily give our personal touch to the recipe and this, in turn, ensures that each dessert we make has a particularity that identifies us.
Primero colocamos la leche en una olla de fondo grueso, le incorporamos la cáscara de limón o cualquier otro aromático de nuestra preferencia ( si están usando vainilla natural, agregados en este momento), la colocamos a hervir hasta alcanzar una temperatura de 74 grados Celsius para infusionar los sabores.
First we place the milk in a thick-bottomed pot, we add the lemon peel or any other aromatic of our preference (if you are using natural vanilla, added at this time), we boil it until it reaches a temperature of 74 degrees Celsius to infuse the flavors.
In a bowl we mix the rest of the ingredients (except the vanilla essence and the butter), then we pass the hot milk through a strainer and place it in the bowl to integrate everything and return everything to the pot where we will continue cooking until obtaining a uniform consistency. button.
Once we have the desired thickness, we remove it from the heat, mix the butter and vanilla essence, and set aside until use.

At the end of both steps we proceed with assembling our cake, it is my favorite part in any recipe, assembling, decorating... Mainly, we take our baked cake base and incorporate the pastry cream as the main filling. Then we add the fruits of our choice to decorate... in my case I used half a peach in the center, surrounded by thin slices of apple, inlaid with chopped strawberries in half giving an impression of a flower... additionally, with the other half Cut the peach into brunoise and sprinkle it all over the cake.

Preparing this recipe takes a considerable amount of time, however I assure you it is worth it...
La tarta, al dividirla según el tamaño del molde, pude obtener 8 porciones en partes iguales. Como pueden observar en la fotografía. Cada porción contaba con una variedad de frutas deliciosas, y el relleno de crema pastelera le dio un balance sin igual.
The cake, when divided according to the size of the mold, I was able to obtain 8 portions in equal parts. As you can see in the photograph. Each serving featured a variety of delicious fruits, and the custard filling gave it an unparalleled balance.
Preparing this recipe gave me peace, since each step was carried out calmly and patiently. All my effort to obtain the result that I show you here. And tasting it, let alone, totally pleased with the recipe.
Thanks for your support. I hope you enjoyed reading my post, and found this recipe interesting❤️