
🥖 4 tazas de pan duro
🥖1 y 1/2 taza de azúcar
🥖 Esencia de vainilla al gusto
🥖1/2 taza de pasas
🥖4 huevo
🥖1/2 taza de mantequilla
🥖3 tazas de leche

Para empezar vamos a dejar remojando el pan con la leche en un recipiente, vamos aplastando el pan poco a poco hasta que quede como un pure. Esto tarda aproximadamente unos 15 minutos.

Ahora vamos a tomar un molde para hornear y vamos a hacer el caramelo, añadimos ½ taza de azúcar y la llevamos a fuego medio hasta que se haga un caramelo, el cual vamos a esparcir por todos los bordes del molde y dejamos reposar.

En otro bolw agregamos la mantequilla, los huevos, el azúcar y la vainilla para empezar a batir hasta que doble el tamaño y todo esté mezclado. Luego añadimos el pan y las pasas, batimos para mezclar todo.

Añadimos la mezcla a la bandeja para hornear, la forramos en papel aluminio y la llevamos a baño de María en el horno por 1 hora o hasta que se inserte un palillo y salga seco. Dejamos enfriar y listo, a disfrutar.

Que Dios los Bendiga 🙏
- Fotos de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con un celular Samsung Galaxy J6
- Traductor usado: DeepL app
- Edición de fotos a través de la app Editor de fotos Polish
- Separadores hechos con la app Editor de fotos Canva.

Hello dear friends of Hive and this wonderful community of , I hope you are well and that you had an excellent day. Today I want to share with you a recipe where I try to make a bread cake like my grandmother's, she was the one who made this most delicious cake in the family. I have bought several bread cakes in different bakeries but I don't like them, they are normal sponge cakes with pieces of bread, which I hate, the only bread cakes that I can say that I like are the one my aunt prepares and this attempt that came pretty close to my grandmother's but still hers was much better. For this recipe my mom and I were saving the ends of the bobbins for weeks until we had enough to make this delicious bread cake.

🥖 4 cups stale bread.
🥖1 and 1/2 cup sugar.
🥖 Vanilla essence to taste.
🥖1/2 cup raisins
🥖4 egg
🥖1/2 cup butter
🥖3 cups milk

To start we are going to let the bread soak with the milk in a bowl, we are going to crush the bread little by little until it is like a puree. This takes approximately 15 minutes.

Now we are going to take a baking pan and we are going to make the caramel, add ½ cup of sugar and bring it over medium heat until it becomes a caramel, which we are going to spread all around the edges of the pan and let it sit.

In another bowlw we add the butter, eggs, sugar and vanilla to start beating until it doubles in size and everything is mixed. Then we add the bread and raisins, beat to mix everything.

Add the mixture to the baking sheet, line it with aluminum foil and bake in a bain-marie in the oven for 1 hour or until a toothpick is inserted and comes out dry. Let it cool and ready to enjoy.

May God Bless you 🙏
- Photos of my authorship and were taken with a Samsung Galaxy J6 cell phone.
- Translator used: DeepL app
- Photo editing through the app Polish Photo Editor
- Separators made with the Canva Photo Editor app.