Last night I made a fruit salad for some friends that came over for dinner. We had some starfruit sitting around, so I decided to add it. Have you ever had starfruit?

I have seen slices of starfruit used as a garnish on a tropical drink before, but we didn't eat them until we moved here and I really like them. They have a light citrusy flavor and are really easy to prepare.

We buy our starfruit 10 for $1 from a friend who sells his organic fruits. I first wash the outside of the fruit and cut off the top and the ridges. I'm not sure it's necessary, but it works.

There are usually at least 10 seeds inside each one. I kind of stick the knife in each slot it makes as I'm slicing the fruit and pull out the seed. It kind of makes a little pocket that the seed goes in.

It made for a great addition to our fruit salad last night. It included pears, apples, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, a little bit of strawberry yogurt, bananas, mandarin oranges, and starfruit. It was a yummy addition to our meal.

Have you ever tried starfuit? If so, did you like it? If you have another way to eat it, share your recipe please!

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