Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗
Sundays are such an amazing day in the week. It gives a different feel from every other day. For me, it is that day in the week that runs by like a tortoise - very slow. However, it is a day to look back and reflect on the hits and misses of the week and a day to restrategize for the new week ahead. Above all, it is a day set aside for good food.
Before I continue with the talks about good food, let me walk you through how i spent my Sunday, today. I started the day pretty early by attending service in the morning with my family. It was a great way to start my Sunday by singing, dancing and praying. The sermon was also spirit-filled as the theme for the day was Covenant Day of Long Life. The moment in church, a moment of calm and quiet made me to set out some time to be grateful for how far I have come in life.
Not too long after I got home, a friend of mine that stays in my neighbourhood stopped by at my house. It is being a while we had time to catch up, so it was a big surprise to get a call from her to know if I was home. We spent quite some hours together discussing about everything. We basically talked about topics that ranges from career, family, the state of the economy and so much more. I had no boring moments throughout her stay. It was filled with deep conversations, and of course some laughs.
Later on, I decided to prepare a little pot of goodness for the family - a well garnished meal of instant noodles. Cooking is one of the activities that I surely don't miss on Sundays; however today isn't some serious cooking. It is a fast meal that doesn't require much energy. So, I made enough pot of noodles to go round for everyone and we enjoyed it.
Ingredients I Used
Scotch bonnet
Vegetable oil
Step By Step
I started by washing the onions, scotch bonnet and tomatoes thoroughly. Next I sliced them into my desired size.
I also cut the sausage into small sizes and set aside
Place your pot on meduim heat. Add some vegetable oil, add the scotch bonnet, tomatoes, onions, sausage and stir fry for about 2 minutes
Add the seasoning from the noodles for some taste
When it has been well sautéed, add some water and allow to boil for some minutes
Next add your noodles and allow to cook for about five minutes.
Give it a good mix and your noodles is done.
Your food is ready to be served and enjoyed with a drink of your choice.
Enjoy your meal
Noodles garnished with some sausage is quite a sumptuous meal that you should try out someday of perchance you haven't. You'd enjoy every bit of it.