Hello everyone! I hope you are well! I'm back here to share with you a delicious recipe that my husband and I prepared a couple of days ago, it's Mexican tortilla soup, and we discovered it because one day a girl was eating this soup in Mexico and shared it on her instagram stories, so it caught my attention so much that I decided to prepare it at home, then I started looking for the recipe and I realized that there are several ways to prepare it, but we decided to put together several recipes and prepare it to our liking, and tell me some Mexican around here which is the original recipe, meanwhile I share with you the one we prepared, I hope you like it.
Para empezar vamos a cortar una cebolla mediana y machacar algunos dientes de ajo (nosotros usamos 3). Seguidamente en una olla ponemos un poco de aceite y vamos a sofreir el ajo y la cebolla.
To start we are going to cut a medium onion and crush some garlic cloves (we use 3). Then in a pot we put some oil and we are going to fry the garlic and the onion.
También usaremos una lata de tomates cortados, pero primero vamos a quitarles el agua que estos traen con la ayuda de un colador, una vez colados, vamos a agregarlos a nuestra olla, revolvemos un poco y procedemos a agregarle chili guajillo y chiplote en polvo. Realmente la receta lleva chilis secos cortados pero como saben estoy en Polonia y no es posible conseguirlos así en el supermercado, aunque ya empezamos a germinar algunas semillas para en el verano tener nuestros propios chiles secos, no puedo esperar a prepararlos con estos.
We will also use a can of chopped tomatoes, but first we will remove the water from them with the help of a strainer, once strained, we will add them to our pot, stir a little and proceed to add guajillo chili and chipotle powder. Actually the recipe has chopped dried chilis but as you know I am in Poland and it is not possible to get them in the supermarket, although we have already started to germinate some seeds to have our own dried chilis in the summer, I can't wait to prepare them with these.
Ahora bien, vamos a agregar caldo de pollo en nuestra olla al gusto y dejamos cocinar por varios minutosa fuego bajo, luego procedemos a licuar y volvemos a llevar a la olla para seguir cocinando por otros minutos más . También vamos a usar unas tortillas de maíz que vamos a cortar en tiras pequeñas y a fritar en un poco de aceite. Conseguimos también cilantro fresco.
Now, we are going to add chicken broth in our pot to taste and let it cook for several minutes over low heat, then proceed to blend and return to the pot to continue cooking for another few minutes. We are also going to use some corn tortillas that we are going to cut into small strips and fry in a little oil. We also get some fresh cilantro.
Salpimentamos un par de pechugas de pollo y vamos a cocinarlas en el mismo aceite que fritamos las tortillas de maíz, una vez listo el pollo, vamos a cortarlo en trozos pequeños y reservamos.
Season a couple of chicken breasts with salt and pepper and cook them in the same oil used to fry the corn tortillas. Once the chicken is ready, cut it into small pieces and set aside.
Agregamos también un poco de orégano a nuestra sopa, revolvemos y dejarmos cocinar solo un par de minutos más y vamos a preparar los demás ingredientes de nuestro plato que como ven es aguacate y queso los cuales vamos a poner en el fondo de nuestros platos con las tortillas y el pollo.
We also add a little oregano to our soup, stir and let it cook just a couple of minutes more and we will prepare the other ingredients of our dish which as you can see is avocado and cheese which we will put at the bottom of our plates with the tortillas and chicken.
Lista nuestra sopa, vamos a agregarla en nuestros platos y para terminar ponemos un poco de limón (si deseamos) y cilantro fresco por encima. No se imaginan el sabor tan delicioso de esta sopa, sin duda se las recomiendo, incluso se me hizo agua la boca solo escribiendo esta receta. Ahora tengo curiosidad de otras recetas mexicanas. Eso fue todo por hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Nos vemos en un proximo post. Saludos!
Our soup is ready, let's add it to our plates and to finish we put a little lemon (if we wish) and fresh cilantro on top. You can't imagine how delicious this soup tastes, I highly recommend it, it even made my mouth water just writing this recipe. Now I am curious about other Mexican recipes. That's all for today, I hope you liked it. See you in a future post. Greetings!