Chicken breast with carrots [ENG||ESP]

in Hive Food2 months ago



Shredded chicken is a very tasty, easy-to-make, filling and nutritious meal; it is also very useful if you make enough of it, because it can be used to make other meals such as stuffed pastries, tacos, burritos, sandwiches or canapés. The preparation I am going to show you is a fairly simple way to make the shredded chicken very tasty, you can also add other ingredients and give it your personal touch.


I make enough to use as a dough filling, and for storage I freeze it in portions.





  • Two shredded chicken breasts (the breasts should be boiled in water with salt and vegetables; when cooled, shred with your fingers).
  • Two carrots chopped in small cubes
  • Two chopped tomatoes
  • Two chopped onions
  • Six cloves of garlic, chopped
  • Three chopped chillies
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil, I used annatto oil
  • 750 ml chicken broth (I use the broth in which the chicken breasts were cooked)
  • Five potatoes, chopped into small cubes
  • Three tablespoons of salt
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Chopped fresh parsley for garnish.



Heat a large frying pan with the oil over a medium heat, add the carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, chillies, salt and pepper, stirring the whole contents of the pan.



Cook for eight minutes, stirring constantly, then add the chicken stock.


While adding the chicken stock, keep stirring the food, do not be afraid to add enough stock, it will be necessary because you still need to add more ingredients.


Add the potatoes, and cook for ten minutes.


Add the shredded chicken and carefully stir the whole food, check the salt and pepper, cook for only five minutes.


Serve with chopped parsley and enjoy this delicious meal!




• The content is original
• The images are my property



Pechuga de pollo con zanahoria

El pollo desmechado es una comida muy rica, fácil de hacer, rendidora, y nutritiva; además tiene mucha utilidad si haces bastante cantidad, porque puede utilizarse para hacer otras comidas como pasteles rellenos, tacos, burritos, sandwiches o canapés. La preparación que les mostraré es una forma bastante sencilla de hacer el pollo desmechado bien sabroso, también puedes colocarle otros ingredientes y darle tu toque personal.


Yo hago suficiente para utilizarlo como relleno para pasteles salados, y para su conservación lo congelo por porciones.





  • Dos pechugas de pollo desmechado,( las pechugas deben estar sancochadas en agua con sal y vegetales; luego cuando se enfrían se desmenuzan con los dedos)
  • Dos zanahorias picadas en cubos pequeños
  • Dos tomates picados
  • Dos cebollas picadas
  • Seis dientes de ajo picados
  • Tres ajíes picados
  • Tres cucharadas de aceite vegetal, yo utilicé aceite con onoto (achiote)
  • 750 ml de caldo de pollo (yo utilizo el caldo en el se cocinaron las pechugas)
  • Cinco papas picadas en cubos pequeños
  • Tres cucharadas de sal
  • Pimienta negra molida al gusto
  • Perejil fresco picado para decorar.



Calentar a fuego medio un sartén grande con el aceite, colocamos: la zanahoria, tomate, cebolla, ajo, ajíes, sal y pimienta, movemos todo el contenido de la olla.



Cocinamos por ocho minutos sin dejar de mover, luego añadimos el caldo de pollo.


Mientras se agrega el caldo de pollo se sigue moviendo la preparación, no tenga miedo en añadir suficiente caldo, será necesario porque todavía faltan agregar más ingredientes.


Colocar las papas, y cocinar por diez minutos.


Agregar el pollo desmechado y mover con mucho cuidado toda la preparación, chequear el punto de sal y pimienta, cocinar solamente por cinco minutos.


Servir con perejil picado, ¡ya podemos disfrutar de esta deliciosa comida!




• El contenido de esta publicación es original.
• Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.


mujer en la laptop.jpeg

👇About me👇

I am a lover of Gastronomy, I am passionate about Culinary Photography, I love to read in my free time and keep learning. I value very much the time I share with my children, I see life as an Art, where I can create and make any idea come true! I have always loved technology and keeping up to date with its advances, I also like to spend time with my pets!



Hola amiga, what an appetizing, colorful and delicious preparation. Those colors and those ingredients are a sure yes. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks🌷, it's really delicious, and the colours whet your appetite 🤗.

I love the color, it looks so delicious and flavorful, and with all the veggies it has, it is healthier too. 🤤

I like to add vegetables to my food, I enjoy them a lot, and this dish was good with all those ingredients, very tasty 🤗.