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Hola mis queridos amigos del buen comer espero se encuentren bien y esten disfrutando de un dia maravilloso,hoy quiero compartir con todos ustedes un receta muy gustosa se trata de una tiritas de pechuga de pollo rebozadas son muy fácil de hacer y quedan super deliciosas las puedes acompañar con el contorno de tu preferencia, y no me preocupe por los ingredientes porque ya los tenia en casa, ahora acompañame al paso a paso
Hello my dear friends of good food I hope you are well and are enjoying a wonderful day, today I want to share with you all a very tasty recipe is a chicken breast strips in batter are very easy to make and are super delicious you can accompany them with the contour of your choice, and I do not worry about the ingredients because I already had them at home, now accompany me to the step by step
Ingredientes ✨
1 Pechuga de pollo
1 Cdt Paprika
1/2 Cdt Pimienta
Salsa de ajo
Sal al gusto
2 Huevos
1 Taza de harina de trigo
Ingredients ✨
1 chicken breast
1 tsp Paprika
1/2 Tsp Pepper
Garlic sauce
Salt to taste
2 eggs
1 cup of wheat flour
Paso a paso✨
Para empezar hacer esta receta corte la pechuga en tiritas luego los ingredientes para sazonar paprika,pimienta,sal mostaza, huevos y salsa de ajo
To start making this recipe cut the breast into strips then the ingredients for seasoning paprika, pepper, salt, mustard, eggs and garlic sauce.
Despues agregue la harina de trigo y devolví hasta integral todos los ingredientes para luego en una sartén con aceite bien caliente empece a freír las tiritas de pollo y ya las tengo listas quedaron bien doraditas
Then I added the wheat flour and returned until all the ingredients were integral and then in a frying pan with very hot oil I started to fry the chicken strips and I have them ready, they were well browned.
Thank you for visiting and reading my post see you soon🥰✨
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The images are property of the author