Place in a floured mold and take to a preheated oven, the baking temperature should be 180°C, bake for 25 to 30 minutes, remove from the oven and let cool completely, finish by covering the cake with the chocolate coating.
Y ahí lo tienen, amigos de Hive Food, un delicioso bizcocho esponjoso de chocolate con su irresistible cobertura de chocolate. Esta receta es perfecta para esos días en los que queremos darnos un capricho y disfrutar de un momento dulce. Además, lo mejor es que es muy fácil de hacer, así que no hay excusas para no animarse a prepararlo. Recuerden, consentirse de vez en cuando es parte de disfrutar la vida. Así que reúnan a sus seres queridos, sirvan un trozo de este manjar y compartan risas y buenos momentos. ¡Hasta la próxima, y dime en los comentarios que te ha parecido esta receta!
And there you have it, friends of Hive Food: a delicious chocolate sponge cake with its irresistible chocolate coating. This recipe is perfect for those days when we want to treat ourselves and enjoy a sweet moment. Besides, the best thing is that it is very easy to make, so there are no excuses for not daring to prepare it. Remember, pampering yourself from time to time is part of enjoying life. So gather your loved ones, serve a piece of this delicacy and share laughter and good times. Until next time, and let me know in the comments what you thought of this recipe!
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