Hace unos días, decidimos salir a comer hamburguesas y mi hermano menor y yo ya habíamos probado las hamburguesas en este lugar que se llama Gutes y queríamos que mi papá y mi hermano mayor las probaran, ya que de verdad son las mejores hamburguesas de la ciudad, con sabores exquisitos, mezclas que jamás pensamos probar pero crean un sabor increíble en la boca.
El lugar es muy lindo, ya cuentan con dos sedes, la principal que es barrio obrero y otra en el nuevo centro comercial Korner, mi favorita es la de la foto que se llama Genovesa que es, una hamburguesa con pollo Crispy, tomates confitados y mayopesto, con un pan tan suave que casi se deshace en tu boca. Algo que amo de este lugar también son las papas, aquí las llamas Pommes y puedes pedirlas con lo que más te guste, ese día no las comimos pero, yo si las he probado antes con mi novio y son deliciosas.
A few days ago, we decided to go out to eat hamburgers and my younger brother and I had already tried the hamburgers at this place called Gutes and we wanted my dad and my older brother to try them, since they really are the best burgers in the city, with exquisite flavors, mixtures that we never thought of trying but they create an incredible flavor in the mouth. The place is very nice, they already have two locations, the main one is a working-class neighborhood and another is in the new Korner shopping center. My favorite is the one in the photo called Genovesa, which is a Crispy chicken burger. , candied tomatoes and mayopesto, with bread so soft that it almost melts in your mouth. Something I also love about this place are the potatoes, here they are called Pommes and you can order them with whatever you like best, we didn't eat them that day but I have tried them before with my boyfriend and they are delicious.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu