[ESP/ENG] I enjoy making smoked ham bread with bacon, raisins and olives at home.

in Hive Food23 days ago

Feliz noche queridos amigos amantes de la comida el sabor, desde la distancia le envío un fuerte abrazo lleno de mucha energía positiva y buena vibra ante todo estos días festivos de unión familiar donde la comida siempre será la protagonista en nuestras vidas, desde hace mucho tiempo quería compartir con ustedes la preparación de este pan de jamón una receta original y venezolana que nos identifica en la gastronomía.

Happy night, dear friends who love food and flavor, from a distance I send you a big hug full of a lot of positive energy and good vibes, especially these festive days of family unity where food will always be the protagonist in our lives. For a long time I wanted to share with you the preparation of this ham bread, an original and Venezuelan recipe that identifies us in gastronomy.

El pan de jamón siempre ha sido una receta que se prepara en épocas festivas de la navidad, sin embargo siempre es buena ocasión para disfrutar de este pan con jamón ahumado y tocineta, esta preparación es una de las favoritas de mi familia ya que podemos utilizarla para desayunos o merienda siempre son excelente acompañante para una taza de café, jugos y refresco.

Ham bread has always been a recipe that is prepared during the festive season of Christmas, however it is always a good opportunity to enjoy this bread with smoked ham and bacon. This preparation is one of my family's favorites since we can use it for breakfast or snacks, they are always an excellent companion for a cup of coffee, juices and soda.


Para los ingredientes tengo 750 gms de harina todo uso, mantequilla, sal, 2 huevos, 10 gms de levadura, 1/2 kilo de jamón ahumado, melaza de papelón, 1/4 de tocineta, aceitunas, pasas.

For the ingredients I have 750 gms of all-purpose flour, butter, salt, 2 eggs, 10 gms of yeast, 1/2 kilo of smoked ham, molasses, 1/4 of bacon, olives, raisins.

Preparación:procedemos a preparar la masa a base de harina de trigo, levadura, 1 huevo, 2 cucharadas de mantequilla y sal.

Preparation: we proceed to prepare the dough based on wheat flour, yeast, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of butter and salt.

se incorporan todos los ingredientes amasamos a tener una masa homogénea la cual dejamos reposar por 30 minutos hasta que duplique su volumen, luego se divide en tres partes iguales y procedemos a aplanar con un rodillo hasta tener una masa delgada.

All the ingredients are incorporated, we knead to have a homogeneous dough which we let rest for 30 minutes until it doubles in volume, then it is divided into three equal parts and we proceed to flatten with a rolling pin until we have a thin dough.


Luego procedemos a colocar una gata delgada de melaza de papelón y procedo rellenar colocando capas de jamón ahumado, tocineta, pasas y aceitunas hasta cubrir la tercera parte de la masa.

Then we proceed to place a thin layer of molasses and proceed to fill it by placing layers of smoked ham, bacon, raisins and olives until covering a third of the dough.


Este procedimiento lo vamos a aplicar con las tres masas cortando el final de cada una en formas diferentes para agregarle un estilo y decoración diferente a cada pan, dejamos reposar por 30 minutos y luego procedemos a barnizar con un huevo y melaza de papelón para llevar al horno por 35 minutos y de seguro obtendrá un resultado maravilloso y delicioso para compartir con la familia.

We are going to apply this procedure with the three doughs, cutting the end of each one in different shapes to add a different style and decoration to each loaf, we let it rest for 30 minutes and then we proceed to varnish with an egg and molasses to put in the oven for 35 minutes and you will surely obtain a wonderful and delicious result to share with the family.




Gracias por leerme y su valioso apoyo.
Las fotos son de mi autoria @mariaser
Traducido con Deepl traductor

Thank you for reading me and your valuable support.
The photos are by me @mariaser
Translated with Deepl translator


That ham bread looks absolutely delicious! I love how you added bacon, raisins, and olives—such a great mix of flavors. Thanks for sharing this traditional recipe!

I believe that each of the ingredients brings its own special touch to this preparation.

Thanks for commenting. 😊

I'm a big fan of bread. I love coconut bread so much. However, we don't have this variety of bread made with smoked ham, raisins and the likes in Nigeria. The ingredients are not readily available here.

I understand that it is difficult to get these ingredients in your country, but here we also make coconut bread and like you I share the taste for coconut bread, it is one of my favorites.

Thank you for commenting.

Thanks for sharing too