Hola amigos de @hive.food es un gusto volver por aca, seguimos en la busqueda de recetas "mas sanas" dia a dia es una licha porque yo AMO comer, pero tambien hay kilos que perder jajaja y en este proceso obvio existen los antojos, ayer por ejemplo tenia Muchas Ganas de comer pizza, pero a su vez no queria la harina de trigo asi que decidí hacer esta opcion mucho mas sana, y aunque al principio la base seria de platano, luego la cambie por la papa y siento que fue LA MEJOR decision 🥰 quedó demasiado deliciosa y obvio no podia dejar de.compartir la receta aca 👇
Hello friends of @hive. food is a pleasure to be back here, we continue in the search for "healthier" recipes day by day is a struggle because I LOVE to eat, but there are also kilos to lose hahaha and in this process there are obviously cravings, yesterday for example I really wanted to eat pizza, but at the same time I didn't want wheat flour so I decided to make this much healthier option, and although at first the base would be banana, then I changed it for potato and I feel it was THE BEST decision 🥰 it was too delicious and obviously I couldn't stop. share the recipe here 👇
✔️ 1 papa mediana
✔️ 1 Huevos
✔️ media Taza de Avena
✔️ Jamon
✔️ Queso
✔️ Tocineta
✔️ 1 medium potato
✔️ 1 Eggs
✔️ half cup of oatmeal
✔️ Ham
✔️ Cheese
✔️ Bacon
Okey comenzamos lavando y pelando la.papa por supuesto para seguidamente rallarla por el lado mas fino (aunque tome la foto con el rallo por el lado grande) 😂
Okey we start by washing and peeling the potato of course and then grate it on the thinner side (although I took the picture with the large side) 😂.
Luego vamos a pasar la papa por un pañito para exprimirla y asi sacarle todo el liquido
Then we are going to pass the potato through a cloth to squeeze it to remove all the liquid.
El siguiente paso es agregar el huevo, la avena y como toque extra quise ponerle un poco de queso rallado y como este estaba algo saladito, no le agregué sal a la mezcla
The next step is to add the egg, the oatmeal and as an extra I wanted to add some grated cheese and as it was a little salty, I did not add salt to the mixture.
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Unimos todo y llevamos a una bandeja previamente engrasada para luego hornear por 20 minutos a 180°
Put everything together and bake in a greased baking pan for 20 minutes at 180° C (350° F).
El resultado es una masa bien crujiente 🤤 que incluso tiene un toque a papa frita 🤤uffs divinoo
The result is a very crunchy dough 🤤 that even has a touch of potato chip 🤤uffs divine 🤤uffs divine 🤤.
El siguiente paso es armar nuestra pizza, obvio agregamos la salsa de tomate, el queso, jamon y mucha tocineta 🤤 AMO es toque que le da a la pizza.
The next step is to assemble our pizza, obviously we add the tomato sauce, cheese, ham and lots of bacon 🤤 I LOVE the touch it gives to the pizza.
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Llevamos nuestra pizza al horno unos 10 minutos mas o hasta que se derrita el queso y queda algo asi🥰👇
We put our pizza in the oven for about 10 more minutes or until the cheese melts and it looks something like this🥰👇
DELICIOSA no hay otra palabra, tienen que probarla, ademas super saciante, asi que ai buscan matarse el antojo de pizza, esta receta esta genial 💪 mientras tanto yo me despido hasta la proxima receta.
DELICIOUS there is no other word, you have to try it, also super satiating, so here you are looking to kill your pizza craving, this recipe is great 💪 meanwhile I say goodbye until the next recipe.
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva