Hola amigos de @hivefood espero que esten muy bien, tengo mucho tiempo sin hacer alguna receta, pero hace poco si fue a comerme un delicioso Shawarma en la ciudad donde vivo y les quiero compartir mi experiencia 🥰
Hello friends of @hivefood I hope you are very well, I have a long time without making any recipe, but recently if I went to eat a delicious Shawarma in the city where I live and I want to share my experience 🥰.
Todo se dió muy rapido jeje fue cero planeado, resulta que el dia que fuimos al box luego de que se acabó todo, nos quedamos ahi hablando con el negro (el dueño) la esposa y unos amigos y se hicieron casa las 8pm y obvio ya habia hambre en el penal jajaja asi que comenzaron a decir para comer. Perros, hamburguesas, empanadas de todo jaja pero al final un amigo propuso estos Shawarmas y nos los vendió como la cosa mas deliciosa del mundo asi que no nos pudimos resistir y nos fuimos. Los niños felices y yo igual porque me ahorra el cocinar 😂
Everything happened very fast hehe it was zero planned, it turns out that the day we went to the box after everything was finished, we stayed there talking with the black guy (the owner) the wife and some friends and it was 8pm and obviously there was already hungry in the prison hahaha so they started to say what to eat. Dogs, hamburgers, empanadas of everything haha but in the end a friend proposed these Shawarmas and he sold them to us as the most delicious thing in the world so we couldn't resist and we went. The kids were happy and so was I because it saves me from cooking 😂.
Llegamos a eso de las 8:30 y enseguida nos atendieron, nosotros pedimos 2 porque nos dijeron que tenian 600gr de proteina (cerdo y pollo) asi que dijimos bueno con dos es suficiente, adicional a eso dos nestea de Durazno porque es nuestro favorito, tardaron unos 20 minutos en llegar y la verdad nada diferente a lo que nos dijo nuestro amigo, ENORMES 🤤🤤
We arrived at about 8:30 and immediately we were attended, we ordered 2 because they told us they had 600gr of protein (pork and chicken) so we said well with two is enough, in addition to that two peach nestea because it is our favorite, it took about 20 minutes to arrive and the truth nothing different from what our friend told us, HUGE 🤤🤤.
Tenian full proteina, de vegetales solo tomate y un poquito de cilantro, Chris casi se lo comió todo, pero le tocó con tenedor porque eran tan grandes que al morderlo se le cayó todo jeje Ema si se lo comió normal porque yo la estaba ayudando
They had full protein, vegetables only tomato and a little bit of cilantro, Chris almost ate it all, but he had to use a fork because they were so big that when he bit into them he dropped everything hehe Ema ate them normally because I was helping her.
La verdad estaban deliciosos, la sazon del pollo y el cochino era de otro mundo uffs delicioso, yo no comí casi saldas sentia que no le habian falta jeje Chris si aprovechó y comió algunas igual Ema, en casa ellos no comen nada de eso. Asi que en la calle aprovechan 😂
The truth was delicious, the seasoning of the chicken and pork was out of this world uffs delicious, I did not eat almost saldas felt that he had not lacked hehe Chris if he took advantage and ate some just like Ema, at home they do not eat any of that. So in the street they take advantage of it 😂.
Pero bueno un plan repentino que terminó muy muy rico jeje!! Deseando volver pronto por supuesto, yo feliz de no cocinar 😂 y de compartir con amigos porque luego de comer le dimos a la lengua como era 😂Mientras que Ema le sacaba conversacion a dos trabajadores del local. Siempre con problemas para socializar mi chiquita 😂
But well a sudden plan that ended very very rich hehe!!!! Wishing to come back soon of course, me happy not to cook 😂 and to share with friends because after eating we gave the tongue as it was 😂While Ema was making conversation with two local workers. Always with problems to socialize my little girl 😂
Pero bueno, si tienen la oportunidad de ir (a los de aca de maturin) no lo duden, no se arrepentiran 🥰
But well, if you have the opportunity to go (to those here in maturin) do not hesitate, you will not regret it 🥰.
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva