After a busy morning, and much of the afternoon, due to the approaching Christmas holidays, I suggested to my husband to buy fast food because it was getting dark and we had not yet had lunch.
Entre las opciones a considerar nos inclinamos por el arroz chino, preparado en un lugar llamado Don Vera, donde el personal es venezolano. Pedimos un plato con pollo y camarones, y otro con carne, jamón y huevo.
Among the options to consider, we opted for Chinese rice, prepared at a place called Don Vera, where the staff is Venezuelan. We ordered a dish with chicken and shrimp, and another with beef, ham and egg.
Como el local está ubicado cerca de nuestro hogar, pedimos la comida para llevar. Confieso que no soy muy amiga de la comida china porque en varias ocasiones he padecido de alergias por exceso de condimento y de grasas, sin embargo, en esta ocasión acertamos en nuestra elección.
As the place is located near our home, we ordered the food to take away. I confess that I am not very fond of Chinese food because on several occasions I have suffered from allergies due to excessive seasoning and fats, however, on this occasion we were right in our choice.
El local es pequeño, pero tiene un ambiente acogedor, muy fresco y agradable. La comida estuvo lista muy rápido y a los pocos minutos procedimos a degustar ambas preparaciones, las cuales fueron servidas en dos envases de anime con estampados de carita feliz, para personas detallistas como yo resultó agradable esta presentación.
The place is small, but has a cozy atmosphere, very fresh and pleasant. The food was ready very quickly and after a few minutes we proceeded to taste both preparations, which were served in two anime containers with smiley face prints, for detail-oriented people like me this presentation was nice.
La primera impresión fue positiva, el arroz estaba acompañado de una ración de salsa de soya y otra de agridulce, además, de una rodaja de pan. El arroz chino-venezolano tenía buena consistencia y sabor, no estaba grasoso y la presencia de camarones, pollo, huevos y carne eran acorde con las proporciones. Sin duda, un plato muy agradable al paladar.
The first impression was positive, the rice was accompanied by a portion of soy sauce and a portion of sweet and sour sauce, as well as a slice of bread. The Chinese-Venezuelan rice had good consistency and flavor, it was not greasy and the presence of shrimp, chicken, eggs and meat were in accordance with the proportions. Undoubtedly, a very palatable dish.
A mi ración solamente le agregue la salsa de soya, no soy partidaria de la agridulce porque me trae malos recuerdos, de restaurantes elegantes donde las lumpias nadaban en aceite, el arroz estaba seco y condimentado, y el shop suey era un festín de repollo y pimentón.
I am not a fan of sweet and sour sauce because it brings back bad memories of fancy restaurants where the lumpias swam in oil, the rice was dry and spicy, and the shop suey was a feast of cabbage and paprika.
Esta vez, aunque el local es pequeño, la experiencia resultó grata, tanto que alejé un poco mis prejuicios sobre la comida china preparada en la calle.
This time, although the place is small, the experience was pleasant, so much so that my prejudices about Chinese food prepared on the street went away a little.
✓Texto traducido con DeepL.
✓Text translated with DeepL.
✓ Fotos propias.
✓ Own photos.