Hello all my hive community friends and Have a great day and Today i am going to share delicious yummy homemade indian plantbased vegan dishes and i hope everyone will enjoy this dishes and i enjoyed today's all plantbased vegan dishes. Now i am sharing, let's start. Like everyday i woke up from sleeping very early morning and became fresh and took some preparation for making of shapla flower chop recipe. After making this recipe,i ate this chopping recipe with muri. After that I ate guava fruit and spent sometimes with my pet cats and talking with my family members and saw today's weather news in YouTube channel and studied one hour and spent sometimes in hive community. After that I did bathing and ate breakfast manu and today's breakfast manu was papaya bharta recipe, Aloo bharta dish. After eating breakfast manu,i took some rest and studied one hour and saw today's weather news in YouTube channel and spent sometimes with my family members and ate delicious lunch manu. Today's launch manu was Shapla data ghonta recipe. Lentils dal curry recipe. After eating launch manu,i took some rest and studied one hour and spent sometimes in hive community and spent sometimes with my family members and talked with my friend in phone and thus i spent today's total day with delicious homemade dishes in my home.
Shapla flower chop recipe
Shapla flower chop recipe is very delicious and tasty alluring homemade dishes. Definitely so yummy and traditional indian bengali dishes and i hope everyone will enjoy this recipe and i enjoyed so much.
Muri is very healthy and delicious crispy food and i always like this muri and today i ate muri with shapla flower chop. You enjoyed this muri so much.
Guava fruit
Guava fruit is very healthy and nutritious fruit and this fruit is very energetic fruit. This fruit gives us quickly energy and protect us against various types of diseases. I collected this guava fruit from our fruit garden and ate this guava fruit.
Aloo bharta
Aloo bharta is very healthy popular ordinary bengali homemade dishes and i always like this dish and really so delicious traditional bengali dishes and i hope everyone like this Aloo so much.
Papaya bharta
Papaya bharta is very healthy and nutritious dishes and i get excellent unique taste from this papaya bharta recipe and so you can try this papaya bharta recipe.
Shapla data ghonta
Shapla data ghonta is a traditional plantbased vegan dish and i get excellent unique taste from this shapla data chop and i hope everyone will enjoy this shapla data ghonta recipe.
Borboti fry recipe
Borboti fry with ladies finger's is so healthy and delicious plantbased vegan dish. Definitely so yummy and tasty popular bengali dish and i always like this recipe and i hope everyone will enjoy this dish and you can try this dish.
Lentils dal curry
Lentils dal is very healthy and delicious homemade dishes and everyone knows about lentils dal curry. Lentils dal is very popular healthy indian dishes and i hope everyone will enjoy today's total plantbased vegan dish.
Photographer @simaroy
Camera: Redmi note 10 pro max
Regards @simaroy