Bienvenidos amigos virtuales💜✨
Welcome to our virtual friends💜✨
👩🍳Hello fellow food lovers!I hope you are feeling well and have had a nice start of the week, on this side of the screen everything is fine thanks to God. On Sundays I usually want to change the menu doing different things to what I did during the week and this time I share with you a rich, easy and quick lunch of a rice with fried pork accompanied by a tomato and onion salad that I prepared; without so much ado....
¡Llegó la hora de ponernos el delantal! / It's time to put on our aprons!👩🍳
¿Cuál es la preparación?/ What is the preparation?⬇️

Listo para comer / Ready to eat ⬇️
¡Y de esta forma disfrutamos de un delicioso arroz con cochino y ensalada!🤤😍
Fue una forma deliciosa, fácil y rápida de almorzar, se puede sustituir el cochino por carne o pollo y queda igualmente de delicioso. La ensalada puede ser de cualquier gusto, en mi caso y en casa amamos comer está ensalada que además de ser práctica es muy rica🤤🤩👩🍳.
And so we enjoyed a delicious rice with pork and salad!🤤😍
It was a delicious, easy and quick way to have lunch, you can substitute the pork for meat or chicken and it is equally delicious. The salad can be of any taste, in my case and at home we love to eat this salad that besides being practical is very delicious🤤🤩👩🍳.
Thanks for reading me on this recipe, I hope to be back here again soon craving them a little bit🤤🥰.

Nos vemos en una próxima publicación.
Bendiciones y abrazos digitales🤗
Thank you for coming here and reading me once again.
Blessings and digital hugs🤗
👩🏼💻 Edición: Inshot y Canva / Edition: Inshot and Canva
✨ Traducción: DeepL.com / Translation: DeepL.com