Bienvenidos amigos virtuales💜✨
Welcome to our virtual friends💜✨
👩🍳Hello fellow food lovers! I hope you are in good health and have had days with a little smile to help you drain a little uncertainty, on this side of the screen I am well and starting my daily tasks normally as many waiting for what can happen, and among so much anxiety my best way is to eat something delicious is why I decided to make some empanadas with a filling very easy and quick to make🤤🥰, but without much ado ....
¡Llegó la hora de ponernos el delantal! / It's time to put on our aprons!👩🍳
¿Cuál es la preparación?/ What is the preparation?⬇️

Listas para comer / Ready to eat ⬇️
¡Y de esta forma disfrutamos de unas deliciosas empanadas!🤤
Sin duda como venezolanos una de nuestras comidas son las empanadas, siempre me costaba escoger entre la de pabellón y la de jamón y queso, ambas son mis favoritas🤤, pero estás se vuelven especiales para mí ya que eran las que mi abuelo me daba para desayunar juntos a los famosos juguitos Huesitos (jugos de cartoncitos) y hacer estas cada mordisco me hizo recordar aquella época.
And in this way we enjoyed some delicious empanadas!🤤
Undoubtedly as Venezuelans one of our meals are the empanadas, I always had a hard time choosing between the pabellon and ham and cheese, both are my favorites🤤, but these become special to me as they were the ones my grandfather gave me for breakfast together with the famous Huesitos juices (juices of little cartons) and making these every bite made me remember that time.
Thanks for reading me on this recipe, I hope to be back here again soon craving them a little bit🤤.🥰.

Nos vemos en una próxima publicación.
Bendiciones y abrazos digitales🤗
Thank you for coming here and reading me once again.
Blessings and digital hugs🤗
👩🏼💻 Edición: Inshot y Canva / Edition: Inshot and Canva
✨ Traducción: DeepL.com / Translation: DeepL.com