Delicious rice with chicken for lunch! 🍛🙌

in Hive Food2 days ago


Hola hivers✨ bienvenidos a mi blog, un gusto saludarlos nuevamente espero se encuentren bien. Hoy tenía muchas ganas de preparar un almuerzo rico y facil de hacer, generalmente cuando quiera hacer algo rápido uso pollo y lo acompaño con algún carbohidrato pero también me gusta hacer todo en una sola olla para preparar todo más rápido, así que hoy preparé arroz con pollo que es delicioso y rápido de hacer.

Lo primero que hice fué buscar todos los ingredientes para está preparación, usé cebolla, pimentón rojo, ajíes dulces, papa y zanahoria, los aliños los pique en pequeños cubitos igual que la papa sola que un poquito más grande, y la zanahoria la corté en rodajas, luego en una olla coloqué las piezas de pollos con abundante agua y primero coloqué los aliños con un poco de sal y orégano, puedes agregar cualquier condimento de preferencia y la sal al gusto, dejamos cocinar muy bien el pollo y colocamos las papas y zanahorias cortadas, yo le coloqué un poquito de aceite onotado para agregar color al arroz y luego colocamos la cantidad de arroz que queramos, en un envase lavé el arroz previamente y después dejamos cocinar a fuego medio hasta que se termine de cocinar y ya tendríamos listo este delicioso arroz con pollo para servir y disfrutar. Espero te haya gustado este post, sí llegaste hasta aquí gracias por estar y visitar mi blog ❤️ nos vemos pronto.


Hello hivers✨ welcome to my blog, a pleasure to greet you again I hope you are well. Today I really wanted to prepare a delicious and easy to make lunch, usually when I want to make something quick I use chicken and accompany it with some carbohydrate but I also like to do everything in one pot to prepare everything faster, so today I prepared rice with chicken which is delicious and quick to make.

The first thing I did was to look for all the ingredients for this preparation, I used onion, red bell pepper, sweet peppers, potato and carrot, I chopped the seasonings in small cubes just like the potato only a little bit bigger, and the carrot I cut it in slices, then in a pot I put the chicken pieces with plenty of water and first I put the seasonings with a little salt and oregano, you can add any seasoning of preference and salt to taste, let the chicken cook very well and put the potatoes and carrots cut, I put a little bit of olive oil to add color to the rice and then we put the amount of rice we want, in a container I washed the rice previously and then let it cook over medium heat until it is finished cooking and we would have ready this delicious rice with chicken to serve and enjoy. I hope you liked this post, if you made it this far thank you for being here and visiting my blog ❤️ see you soon.

¡Gracias por leerme, hasta luego!

Thank you for reading me, see you later !

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The way you cook this is similar to the chicken curry recipe here in the Philippines. The only difference is that yours is cooked with rice, while here, the rice is served separately. But it looks so yummy—I want to try it soon!😍

Ohh I have also tried it this way, I almost always prepare it but with Filipino preparation it must taste very different, I hope you can make this preparation soon, you just have to be very attentive to the amounts of water and rice so that it turns out well, it is very tasty. 💕