They say friends come and go, but family is forever. And in that family circle, nobody embraces you with more unconditional love than your parents. Through every phase of life's topsy-turvy journey, in good times and bad, mom and dad are the reliable constant. Our first friend, mentor, cheerleader and guiding light. Truly the most precious gift we're given.


From the miracle of birth, parents devote their all to our thriving before even knowing who we'll be. Sacrificing sleep and personal needs to nurture this tiny stranger. Shaping our worldview, values and confidence for that foundation alone we owe them immeasurable gratitude.

As babies grasp language, "mama" and "dada" are often the first sweet syllables off our lips. An instinct that these people mean warmth, nourishment, safety. From playful peek-a-boo to silly songs, parents revel in our delight, determined to shield innocence.

In childhood, mom and dad cheer loudest from the sidelines, celebrate achievements big and small. Hugs and high fives for that finger painting masterpiece or spelling test triumph. On discouraging days, their reassurance reminds fragile young egos of inherent gifts waiting for cultivation. When illness or injury strikes, their comforting presence is the best medicine.

The toughest part of parenting little ones? Corralling fiery independence and curiosity. But mothers understand these traits well, after birthing new life by channeling their own defiant spirit. And fathers beam with pride at those familiar, stubborn streaks mirroring back. Though firm disciplining and limits test everyone’s mettle, bonds between generations strengthen. With eyes locked in stand-offs, each sees their reflection and feels known completely, for better and worse.

In that gap between child and adult, who better than parents to shepherd adolescence’s turmoil too? Moody outbursts and angst may signal it’s time for longer leashes. But mom and dad keep watch in case turbulence gets too extreme. When peers and the media breed insecurity, their home is safe harbor of unconditional love.

Even if connections fray in those teenage years, parents wait faithfully for the thaw. Under each slammed door lies awareness that guidance still anchors the storm. One day maturity will unveil how essential their devotion remained all along.

Launching into adulthood can jolt with disorienting independence, but parents’ pride cushions the falls. Counsel is a phone call away when the world is overwhelming. Care packages and check-ins, listening ears as dreams and relationships unfold. No matter how far we might roam, mom and dad are true north on the compass back towards hope.

With decades behind modeling strengths and values, parents trust their offspring can now stand strong on their own merit too. Letting go brings sadness, but greater joy seeing seeds planted come to full bloom. And kids turned adults feel forever in their debt for this priceless grounding gift called roots.

Should tough times hit again down the line, that nest welcomes back weary wings to be recharged with love. Parents may caution against past mistakes repeated, but refrain from “I told you so’s”. Instead they free up space for their child to vent fears or frustrations. A safe sounding board that won’t judge.

If crisis arrives like illness or broken hearts, who better to weather the storm together than the caregivers who’ve shepherds all seasons thus far? Only these bonds forged over lifetimes can buoy spirits so completely. The kind of soul nourishment and understanding that lets tears turn to laughter over poignant memories shared. Healing begins anew.

However smooth or jagged the road gets, parents model resilience and faith. When we stare into their wrinkling eyes, time collapses back to pure adoration like cradle days. No matter our age or imperfection, their affection beams as bright to lift us up again. This love freely given charges our pursuits.

In fact that generosity of spirit radiates out in ripples to impact generations down the line. For devoted parents, raising children inclined themselves to nurture. Skills practiced in patience, listening without judgment and Wisdom gained from walking beside life’s rhythms. Thus the circle continues...

Of course realities get messier than idyllic Norman Rockwell portraits. Not all parents come equipped for the marathon commitment parenting demands. Their own upbringings left scars too deep or created blindness to needs. For many, effort must compensate for lack of inherent tools or temperamental shortcomings. And no parents are perfect, an important truth for thriving kids and adults alike to embrace.

While sadly not universal, most mothers and fathers pour tremendous sacrifice into trying their human best. Blinding love eclipses any hardships endured or flaws exposed over the marathon of parenting. Dedication to see their babies safely down the road takes precedence.

For that selfless loyalty which never clocks out, parents deserve boundless compassion. And forgiveness for inadvertent failures cushioned by good intentions. Their sweat and tears sod the fertile ground where children put down confident roots. That’s an astounding legacy to receive.

Of all life’s gifts, the blessing of good enough parents outshines the rest. Therein lies approval to stretch wings paired with braces against turbulent winds when needed. A safe harbor welcoming us as we are. Their nurturing through ups and downs builds faith in oneself to carry on. No matter how many milestones pass or years accumulate, bringing us back full circle eventually needing their strength and wisdom again. Always they remain ready and waiting to give more.

This ever-replenishing fountain of support becomes easy to take for granted as a daily routine. But once those foundations get pulled out from under by loss, their absence echoes through everything. Only then do children fully appreciate that steadfast parental love as the greatest gift during seasons of stability. One never fully valued until gone.

So while fortune’s other tangible and abstract gifts ebb and flow, nothing compares to devoted parents for sheer necessity. Their guarding wings allow dreams to gently rise. An unflappable safety net catching falls. A beaming champion on every sidelines. And an unconditional loving mirror so we avoid losing track of our boldest, most authentic selves. Life’s compass pointing the way home again.


I agree with you!
Parents are on priority lists for so many invaluable reasons:)

They are parent and that's what gives that regard to them. Even we upcoming parent would also have same regard when our kids are grown