Spain, Ireland and Norway give hope in a #TooFuckeh world.

in Project ePay Traffic10 months ago

In my last post I shared some observations and responded to things that matter to me in the world. And, I linked my Web3 ideas and creations in a way that can make a positive influence in our connected future.

I do hope you make time to read my TooFuckeh world blog. It provides background understanding of the need to influence change. Like what Spain, Ireland and Norway just announced.

Thank You Spain, Ireland and Norway for joining the many nations that do recognize a Palestinian State. I look forward to Canada taking a more favorable policy toward Palestinians.

This man made famine in Gaza has been troubling me so I invested a lot of time in getting educated on the issue at hand.

I am reminded of the evil and cruel actions caused by Bibi so many days ago since his declaration of war against Gaza. I must be stupid cause I do not see this genocidal event as a war. Its a slaughter. I think of a war when both sides have an ability to demonstrate a realistic defense. ie from a military strategy requirement. We are not seeing intelligent war strategies unfolding.

Remember when I introduced the #TooFuckeh tag to the world?


Every time I look at that #MEME I am reminded that USA provide the bomb that did this madness. Do you call this a strategic strike by the best military in a democratic nation. This can only be dome by a madman. ...but the madman is not alone. He has supporters.

Let us hope the momentum picks up and more nations recognizes the state of Palestine. A 2 state solution is not a solution under current circumstances. This idea of having to wait over 60 years to solve this TooFuckeh problem is ludicrous. Obviously, Bibi and supporters are not interested in a 2 state solution. Their mindset is fixated on one Israeli state in the region. That cannot happen because of existing Jewish belief. For the God of me, I am reminded of my own Roman Catholic teachings and the number of fights I fought in a protestant school. I wasn't old enough to understand hate but I sure felt the consequences. The day I was truly enlightened was when I was able comfortable in saying that I am not religious but 100% spiritual.

Wishing you all the best of time. Don't forget to pickup some TooFuckeh problem solving tokens.
