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RE: Endangered species - The Surgeon who's doesn't run for the Knife!

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

I love getting these coincidences. It's great that this health center exists and that you are happy with the care you received.

I was also supposed to see the doctor today, I have a thyroid surgery pending since last year; I feel fine right now and I almost wish the doctor would tell me that I no longer need the operation; the doctor couldn't see me today, and I read this post and I'm happy for you. Everything is fine.


Hi @charjaim, is your thyroid overactive? If so, have they given you more conservative treatment options? Why I ask is that I had thyroid surgery many years ago, they cut away too much so I now take thyroid tablets as it's not functioning at all. I was told this by an endocrinologist afterwards. Perhaps get a 2nd opinion?
I'm glad my post helped you!

Greetings, friend, yes, she is controlled hyperactive at the moment, the problem is that there is a somewhat large and submerged nodule that is already starting to cause problems, I choke easily and I have to be careful when eating. Definitely, it has to be removed, I would be on medication for life. Unless God decides otherwise, I am in his hands.