Hello Sil(Hi)vers!!
Been thinking of how to mingle with the silver hivers for sometimes and I think I choose the right momentum. Thanks to @ericvancewalton for his #memoirmonday's project and this round is about something that I know how to write it. Thanks to @lizelle and @fionasfavourite who I know for years because of their foods related posts.
Am I a foodie? To be Honest, I don't know! I bought something or I cook, but then I forgot about it. But, I love reading recipe books or foods blogs as my bed time stories. I am not a Vegan, but I joined a Vegan food contest in the past, it was on #fruitsandveggiesmonday years ago. I have to create my own dish to be able to joined in.
My Mom is the one who taught me how to cook. I remember when I was 7 years old, She asked me to cook rice for breakfast. We couldn't ate the rice at my first try, LOL. It was Burnt out. Then, she asked me to help her grind the spices with the stone grinder (no electricity, no electric grinder/blender for sure). That's how I remember most of her recipes. My Mom would always prepared desserts at home, because she couldn't afford to buy it for 6 children at that time. Ever since I could control the fire on the gasoline stove, I would helped her. Sometimes, My late Father would take care the stone grinder and my responsibility was to cook it according to My Mom instruction, while she's on the bed after delivering My little sisters and brother. Later, I hadn't helped her because my duty was to take care of my little siblings or study.
To be honest, I never cook since I left home after graduated from Senior High School. I started to cook again after marriage and left home to move in with My Hubby's family. Trial and Error almost every day, to adjust with their taste buds. Thanks God, I never made them poisoned with the foods, LOL.

This dish is always my favorite, until I found out that my uric acid a bit above normal and gout attack my toes. Stinky beans with fried shrimp, stinky beans with salted fish, stinky beans with beef lungs, all in Chili sauce.
Another favorite is anything with shrimps in it.

- Shrimps 200 grams
- Chives 100 grams
- Stinky beans 150 grams
- Red Chili 50 grams
- Shallot 4 cloves
- Garlic 2 cloves
- Tomato 1 (small size)
- Salt and sugar to the taste
- cooking oils 50-100 ml
- Clear water 50 ml
How to :
- Clean and fried the shrimps, clean the chives and cut it in point finger size, pull out the stinky beans from it peels.
- Grind the chili, shallot, garlic and tomato ( I prefer smooth until no chili seeds exists), then stir fry it with the hot cooking oil for 5 minutes and add the water. Keep stirring until the water dried (15 minutes) then add sugar and salt. Oh, use the medium to low heat.
- After the chili sauce is well cook, add the chives and stinky beans, keep stirring it for a minute then turn off the heat, and add the fried shrimp, stir it up until all blend and plating.
- Better to eat it with hot rice
Are those all? No way...


Boiled Pumpkin and plaintain or banana with fresh salty or sugary shredded coconut aka Keurabee in My ethnic language and I used to Acenglish (Aceh-English) it to Currabay and My Acehnese friend in Washington would use that term too, LOL.
Fried Bread Fruit

Triangle shaped sticky rice covered by fresh coconut flesh in liquid palm sugar aka Lupis (named after the shape), I will ask my hubby to buy a pack for my breakfast. I have no patience to shape it into triangle, and the name will be changed then.
I don't make pudding every day, a lovely neighbor would offered me to buy her creamy pudding 3 times a week, LOL. I'll make the currabay based on what kind of plaintain or banana we have. The Fried Bread fruit usually made by request of My Father-in-Law. I like it crispy and sometimes I bought bread fruit chips too.
I can mention all the foods I love to eat. But, the truth is My lifetime favorite always this dish,

Nasi Goreng aka Fried Rice! Homemade, hawker or restaurant version are okay for breakfast, lunch or dinner, I don't mind. This dish is really easy to find anywhere in Indonesia.